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When did you first realize that the feelings were deep and real between you and Thanksgiving Turkey?

Posted - November 5, 2019


  • 2836
    Look at those tasty giblets! 

      November 5, 2019 10:25 AM MST

  • 46117
    Humans were a lot of things.  They were cavemen too.  Humans are no more cavemen than they are meat-eaters.  That is past.  It served it's purpose.  

    We are MORE now.  You are a gay man.  That was not even RECOGNIZED as a significant, respected allowed being.  You were an anomaly and needed to be cured or worse. Because we did not define man as a creature who evolves.  Do you want to live in the 50's?  That is not evolving.  That is not being a progressive and embracing an outmoded title like OMNIVORE dismisses the fact that we have evolved.  

    Jesus supposedly ate Fish and drank some wine.  So?  Do we kill fish because that was Jesus' role in that time or do we stop and think about the fact that we have changed the oceans so INSANELY, that the fish are now poisoned. That turkey you treasure is rife with pollutants like horomones to keep it fat and all sorts of preservatives to keep it from rotting before your eyes.    THIS TYPE OF FOOD IS KILLING THE PLANET and the PEOPLE.  WE are all dying of cancer and disease we would not even have to deal with, if we started to eat meatless.  And not canned garbage, food from the soil that the cattle are trampling on and farting up the atmosphere.  If you don't care about your body, look at what meat eating is now causing the planet with lies.

    WE ARE NOT OMNIVORES. WE WERE. We are not even homosapiens any longer we have evolved into homonoveticus.  Do ya know that?  

    We no longer need meat to sustain our bodies. Our bodies are transformed by nuts, seeds, organic fruits and vegetables and unpolluted, fresh soil rife with nature and minerals and all those enzymes you crave and cannot figure out the reason?  ARE RIGHT THERE IN YOUR TOMATO now.  Not that tasteless garbage in the grocery store.  If you ate organic and live, meat would become repulsive to you.

    We no longer can ignore and be stuck.  We are progressives now. We are not Democrats.  We are not Republicans.  We are progressives and we need to move forward and not be lulled into lies.  Meat is poison to us and causes cancer because of the way we breed and market the meat.

    We are taking up soil that could feed a nation with one state.  Meaning if we used the cow pastures for farming vegetables organically, we could feed the entire nation using just one state like Illinois.  I am not counting microgreens which cost pennies and give you more nutrition than any bottle of the best vitamin.  And instead?  You have cattle that will feed 1,000th of that area.  We have to have cattle breeding and forced into deplorable conditions just to supply the demand for cancer.  That's what it amounts to.

    Lives are changed from changes in diet.  I have seen it and I have been it.  I want that message spread. I am not trying to convince you, you will convince yourself eventually.  Hope it is sooner than later.
      November 5, 2019 10:29 AM MST

  • 2836
    OMG! There is so much here to digest (like this bloody roast beef sandwich) that I need to step away from my standup desk and allow this to take its course before responding to you!

    Oh Boy! You're gonna get it. LOL 
      November 5, 2019 10:39 AM MST

  • 34993
    I prefer ham but we have Turkey cause it is Thankgiving and traditonal.  (My husband also prefers turkey...)

    We have had turkeys and chickens over the years. I have no problem eating them. They taste better than store bought.  It is not the same a caring for a dog or a cat.  These are for meat and eggs. And having too many is not good for them either.  They will fight if you have too many. 

    Now if I had them for a pet that would be different.  It all in the mindset.  My granddaughter did have a pet rooster.  We did not eat him. And would not.  
      November 5, 2019 9:47 AM MST

  • 44742
    I don't like turkey.
      November 5, 2019 10:01 AM MST

  • Yes you do.  You like me.  I'm the biggest turkey of all.
      November 5, 2019 10:35 AM MST

  • 46117
    I loved it. I can still taste it in my mind.  I can remember the flavors, almost sweet and fresh and not chicken at all. At totally new bird flavor and it was good made almost any way you can imagine.  It was delicious.  

    I gave that up for God.  I am dead serious.  I said.  God, I know you are there, as far as I can know a thing, and to show you how sincere I am, I will give up something that should be impossible for me, forever.  I will never eat an animal again.  FOR YOU.  I immediately got a gift back from God the Father of us all.  He gave me awareness of the power of that.  To detatch and to let go of that desire, EMPOWERED me.   I need that for spiritual growth that I can only tell you is there if you come up with a powerful way to talk to God the Father of us all like that, He will gift you back.  And if you are spiritually aware, and have grown, you will appreciate and know the message is priceless.  

    You gotta mean it.  It doesn't have to be meat.  It has to be something you care about that would be for you and the planet's greater good.  That i my Wiccan Training as I see it.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 5, 2019 4:06 PM MST
      November 5, 2019 10:41 AM MST

  • 2836
    Turkey is the cornerstone of Americanism.
    Our founding fathers loved Turkey so much Ben Franklin proposed the idea of making the turkey the national bird instead of the Bald Eagle
      November 5, 2019 10:43 AM MST

  • 46117
    Make America Great? 


    It can be done and it cannot be done by telling yourself killing a living animal is necessary.  It's not. Not here. Not now.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 5, 2019 4:06 PM MST
      November 5, 2019 10:46 AM MST

  • 2836
    As we sit on a leather couch, drive a car with leather seats, adorn our own flesh with leather coats, dresses, belts, and leather pumps.
    Leather is not a by-product of meat consumption but a big factor in the processing of animals for consumption (food and clothing).

    Nah...a vegetarian society full of humans is not possible because it is against the nature of the human-animal (which is omnivorous) and...God who gave us permission to eat animals (if you are a person of faith).

    I will not now nor ever will subscribe to vegetarianism, but I do enjoy the vegetarian fare. That is a choice based upon my palate.

      November 5, 2019 11:00 AM MST