Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Of all the DEM prez candidates we know of right now which would be the most surprising choice of the DEMS in your opinion? WHY?
Bloomberg. No political cred, none. Probably a closet Republican.
He's a worrying factor, though. Even though he stands absolutely no chance in the primaries (nobody wants him bad enough), he could gain enough momentum to run a spoiler campaign as an independent. Splits the antidon vote, playing right into you-know-who's tiny orange hands.
What a jerk. He knows this will cause more confusion in the Dem Party among voters and that is exactly what he wants. ANOTHER TRUMP VICTORY. Someone paid him to do this. His Billionaire buddies.
Oh geez R! Something else to worry about. Honestly I delighted in the HUGE disparity between his money and the mouth's. I think Bloomberg is worth $53 BILLION and the mouth a paltry $3 BILLION. Now mind you I'd like to be worth $3 billion but that's another story. What kind of political cred did motormouth have? I think most rich folks have a lotta Republican in them vis a vis tax cuts and loopholes and earning billions of bucks and getting to keep all of it. But I think he despises the mouth so much he said he'll spend what it takes. That could be $25 BILLION and he'd still be worth more than 8 times what the mouth is worth. Thank you for your reply. Splitting the vote is not good. Isn't that what Ralph Nader did decades ago? Thank you for thoughtful reply! :)
Ralph Nader would have been a good Pres had the Dems shown enough sense to nominate him. They didn't.
Bloomberg is a horse of an entirely different colour. Nader was a maverick, Bloomberg is establishment to the core and that's one of the reasons la Clinton was unelectable.
Also she really wasn't all that likable. You know when President Obama said "you're likable enough" I agreed with him. But "likable enough" isn't enough. She was no match for Obama and we went with him for 8 years and I did not regret the choice. But against the mouth anyone shines bright so how he pulled it off is criminal. Wow. Did you see that? It was criminal right? I hope it isn't deja vu all over again or here we go again. Ardently and sincerely and devoutly. :)
Bloomberg has already stated that he would not run as an Independent. I believe him to be a man of his word. He understands what doing that would mean and that is the last thing I think he wants to see happen.