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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Not at all. Very little. Appropriate to the situation. Way over the top. Reactions to others' words/deeds. How do YOU react?

Not at all. Very little. Appropriate to the situation. Way over the top. Reactions to others' words/deeds. How do YOU react?

You can control what you say but not what you think or feel.

Does how you act/react/speak reflect what you really think/feel? Or never ever will because you don't want other people using anything you say/do against you and the less they know about you the smaller a target you are?

Posted - November 11, 2019


  • 2706
    How do I react? It depends on what those words and deeds are. Does how I act/react/speak reflect what I really think/feel? Yes. What you see is what you get. I am blunt, honest, frank, politically incorrect, and engaged in a relentless search for truth in whatever situation I am in or researching.
      November 11, 2019 2:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    "Politically incorrect"? In what way(s)? Do you call people by hurtful names when you have other choices? What do you get out of that is you do that? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to you ru.
      November 11, 2019 4:21 AM MST

  • 2706
    Do I call people names, hurtful or otherwise? Of course not. As a Christian, I am taught throughout Scripture to be loving, patient, kind, and humble. Does this translate into also being politically correct? No. We live in a culture adulterated with false teachings even by some claiming to be Christians. I'll explain where I'm coming from personally when I say I'm politically incorrect.

      Political correctness is the worldly doctrine which purports to guide people to do what is right toward their fellow man. The danger of this insidious social norm is because it is not a sound doctrine; it is a mere humanistic morality not based on God's word. It's fundamentally flawed because it rejects God, it has become prevalent and popular among all ages of those seeking to feel good about themselves without actually living out the love God has taught. 

     Political correctness is not mere dis-attachment from other people's choices, it is a doctrine which when examined uses social repercussions to punish anyone who doesn't accept their worldview of right and wrong. Its effect is to cause confusion resulting in the bad being called good and the good being called bad. It's the big lie saying you must accept everyone as being correct and good in the name of fairness. Of course, if a person doesn't believe in God or His teachings, then obviously they have to wing it and concoct their own morality. Part of that morality is political correctness. 
      November 12, 2019 7:29 AM MST