Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "The Administration(mouth) was full of lackeys and people who couldn't get a job otherwise". Which employees d'ya think aren't LACKEYS? ANY?
So if what you say is true Walt, and I'm not disagreeing with you, then the "best and the brightest" will never be drawn to serving their country? How sad is that? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
Yep ... it's a well-known, long-running issue ... for two main reasons.
First - the private sector pays far better.
Second - Imagine having 100 bosses, any of which can call you to their office and evaluate your performance and "Monday morning quarterbacking" your decisions. That is just the number of Senators, right. Add in the House of Representatives, the White House staff, and your direct agency managers ... and few people want to put up with that (especially when they can get paid more by a private company).