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Any creepy coincidences in your life lately?

The Saugus High School shooter is of Japanese descent, his initials are NTB, and he has a Japanese middle name. My initials are NTB, I'm half-Japanese half-white, and my middle name is Japanese. I'm freaking out D:

Posted - November 15, 2019


  • 53676

      I read a newspaper report about a man who died in a motorcycle accident, his first and last names match mine exactly. I was about 15 years old at the time, he was 22.  (Ok, so it didn’t happen lately.)

      Before I met the woman who I eventually married, I had a whirlwind romance with a lovely woman, she and I were head over heels for each other.
      She went on a week’s vacation to her hometown in the Midwest, and the day after she returned, she jumped on her car with her roommate as passenger and they sped off to go to work (they worked for the same employer). As I was driving to work, I heard a news report on the radio detailing a fatal car accident on a side road, it caused traffic to back up for miles. I thought nothing of it because my commute was on the opposite side of town from where it took place.  Even though it was near to my girlfriend‘s route, I also paid no attention to it because she would have used the highway, not a surface street.     
      Later that day, I called my girlfriend once at her office, it went to voicemail, so I left her a message. (This was in the days before cell phones.). In the evening, I called her apartment, same thing, voicemail. I left a few messages, I never received a call back.  The next day, I again called her apartment very early in the morning before she would have left for work, voicemail.  In my message, I asked her if she was angry with me and therefore refusing to speak with me. Later, I called her job again, no answer. I hung up, and instead called the reception desk. I explained that I wasn’t getting any answer at my girlfriend‘s line, and I asked if she could be paged. The receptionist asked me to hold on, and after an extremely long wait, my girlfriend’s supervisor, a woman known to me, came on the line. I was surprised, thinking that the receptionist had made a mistake.  As she spoke with me, her voice trembled, and she hesitated a lot. She apologized (weird) and told me that the reason I was getting no answer was that the day before, my girlfriend and her roommate had been in a car accident. I didn’t immediately make any connection, but instead I thought it was a fender-bender. I did, however, put two and two together and surmised that since she wasn’t at work, she must have been hurt in the accident. I asked which hospital she was in so that I could go and see her. The supervisor broke down sobbing, apologizes again and told me that both of them had been killed instantly.
      And now for the coincidences:
    1) later I found out that the weekend before, the roommate had attended a baseball on a whim, and ran into two of her relatives whom she had not seen in years.
    2) while on her vacation, my girlfriend had also unexpectedly run into long-lost relatives whom she hadn’t seen in years.
    3) for some reason, I went to the calendar and counted the days we had dated, from the day we first went out to the day she died was exactly 90 days. I don’t know the relevance of 90 days, but it sure seemed strange.  She often remarked at how happy she was since we got together . . .
    4) my girlfriend had been planning her vacation for years but had always put it off. She bought her plane ticket weeks before meeting me, and almost cancelled or postponed her trip because she wanted us to spend the time together, but I encouraged her to go. When she got back from vacation, she was glad that she had gone but she missed me the whole time. 
    5) my girlfriend had been born with a heart condition and her health was not the greatest. She had premonitions that she would die early. I had always dismissed them.
    6) when my girlfriend was about 9 years old, her mother died. It was another reason she thought that she herself would die young. I had also dismissed those thoughts. 
    (Ok, so it didn’t happen lately either.)


      November 16, 2019 1:35 AM MST

  • 44748
    That story was very sad. (The one about your GF getting killed.)
      November 16, 2019 8:12 AM MST