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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "I fall in love too easily". An old song. Do you? Are you very slow to "warm up" to people even to the point of liking?

"I fall in love too easily". An old song. Do you? Are you very slow to "warm up" to people even to the point of liking?

I fall in love too easily methinks. Not romantic love...Jim is my only hearthrob. But people I meet wherever we go. Some I "love" immediately and I'm not sure why. Jim is more cautious. It takes him a little while to "like". I can tell at a glance whether a person is simpatico and I seem to click with them for whatever reason. I can't figger it out. Some I never see again. It's just a one-time very pleasant interaction. I am always open to that and people respond. You can tell. How? When I pass by I look folks in the eye and I will smile. If I get a smile and a "hello" in return I know. There are a few who look away and even if you say a simple greeting they say nothing in return. They seem to be very unhappy people and closed off to possibilities.

Anyway are any of you like that or are you the opposite? I never go anywhere by myself any more. Jim is always with me. He does all the driving. I used to love driving but I don't anymore so he does it.

Years ago my son described me to a friend of his (who passed it along to me) as a "friendly curious little puppy whose tail is always wagging". I will never forget that. I LOVE it. Enough about me. How do you compare and what's your cuppa tea vis a vis engaging with strangers?

Posted - November 18, 2019


  • 10787
    I am VERY slow to warm up to people.  I am one of those you describe as, "a few who look away".  It's not that I'm closed off to possibilities, rather it's because I'm very shy and have been burned by people over the years.  For me, looking another person in the eye is extremely hard.  Because of this, most people just write me off as 'stuck-up' or 'aloof' and move on.  C'est la vie.
      November 18, 2019 12:11 PM MST

  • 113301
    That saddens me Shuhak. Lots. I was a painfully shy child and now I'm not shy. I think a smile and a pleasant word can make some folks' day. It means we(thee and me) can only connect via a TV monitor and never in real life. But how can you possibly get burned by people you will never encounter again? Now to be fair here is where we have complete control over everything. We show up when we want. We talk to those we want. We leave when we want. We owe no explanation to anyone for anything. Real life is not like that. That's why I LOVE emails. No one is inconvenienced. Real life is very often inconvenient and disappointing and outside our control so being here makes you feel invincible. At least that's how it affects me. So chances are we will never meet or pass by even though we live in the same state. I would never ever turn away from someone who smiled at me. I'm sad to hear you would. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 19, 2019 1:47 AM MST