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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly he doesn't drink booze,smoke or do drugs. He is OBESE eats JUNK FOOD and DOESN'T EXERCISE. Healthy guy?

Allegedly he doesn't drink booze,smoke or do drugs. He is OBESE eats JUNK FOOD and DOESN'T EXERCISE. Healthy guy?

Does ALLEGEDLY not smoking, boozing or shooting up drugs offset obesity, junk food ingestion and slothful lazy living?

Any health experts out there who think he is one he**uva health nut?

Posted - November 18, 2019


  • 46117
    He went to the hospital this weekend.  Did you hear?  

    I am praying for his declining health.  I pray it declines further.  and further.  And slowly further until by Christmas we all get the GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING.  Let him FEEL PAIN FOR ONCE IN HIS MISERABLE LIFE.  HE IS NEVER SICK.  HE NEVER GETS SICK?  LET HIM GET REALLY REALLY SICK.  HOPEFULLY OBAMACARE WILL COVER HIS FAT ABOMONABLE HINEY.

      November 18, 2019 8:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Yes Sharon I know and he has not been seen in public since. A guy who loves being on camera more than anything is invisible. Why? Thank you for your reply.
      November 20, 2019 2:11 AM MST