I suppose many would think of one of his great songs.
And I suppose many would think of a visual image of how he looks recently.
And I suppose many would think of a visual image of how he looked in the early Beatles days.
But I don't. Do you know what I think of? The name "Paul McCartney", and what comes to my mind?
HIS CHAMP BEARD!! Just look at how much of a CHAMP he looks with a beard.
It's sad that one of the most famous and iconic musicians of all time could come up with such turd and still get high in the charts. That was the 1980s for you. Whatever happened to the good old 50s, 60s and 70s when records were hits because they were good songs? Lol:)
I can't say I've ever heard that. I have heard British singers putting on American accents though. Lol:)