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Are you the result of random chance happenstance? Why are we wired so differently from one another?

Our wiring affects our intellectuality emotionality physicality spirituality. From evil to good from devil to angel from idiot to genius from vicious to kind from stingy to generous from selfish to giving etcetera etcetera etcetera.

How many varieties of wiring and how many combinations of hardware to make how many different combinations of homo saps? An infinite variety or finite?

Posted - November 25, 2019


  • 46117
    The wiring is the brain.   And the spinal cord.  Imagine, just imagine how much goes wrong.  

    Why do we need a number?  It is more than a million different ways at least.  I'm sure it is finite since it is physical, but does it really matter when there is so much discord and confusion everywhere you turn?  We are so proud that we all have a vote.  I am sympathetic to dictators lately.  I see why they do not respect the masses.  

    The only problem is that there is never a GOOD DICTATOR.  EVER.  ONLY GOD gets to dictate and He is too wise to try that one.  

      November 25, 2019 9:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      November 26, 2019 2:21 AM MST

  • 10744

    No two people are wired the exact same way.   Even so, one's "wiring" doesn't excuse their doing evil.  Doing evil or good is a choice each person must make; it's never something one has to do.   Knowing what's right but not doing it is still a choice. 

    A majority of evil stems from selfishness (being focused only on oneself).  Good, on the other hand, comes when one focuses on others.  No matter what position one has in their life (king or peon, CEO or slave), each person has the ability to do good or evil.  Yes, there are consequences to that choice.  Many times doing evil seems to be beneficial to the doer while doing good may cost them.  Lying and cheating may bring wealth, while giving of oneself to help others may cost in time and/or money.

    Choosing to do evil is easy.  In fact, the world is geared towards doing evil.  That’s why when someone does good it stands out.  For example, stores assume they will have theft and therefore budget it into their pricing.  It doesn’t mean they want it to happen, rather that they know that it’s inevitable.   However, when a person helps pay for the groceries of the person ahead of them in line when they are short of funds … that’s not expected. 

    Choosing to do good takes work.  Many times it takes sacrifice (time, money, reputation, etc.).  While most people know that good is the better way, they chose evil instead to avoid that “sacrifice”.  Now that may seem strange, as logically there would be more of a sacrifice made if one were caught doing evil (fine, jail time, damaged reputation, etc.) than if they were “caught” doing good.

    People aren’t born wired to do evil.   It’s something they learn (parents, society, friends, media, etc.).  There’s no guarantee that a child exposed to 100% pure good won’t turn evil, nor is there a guarantee that a child raised in an environment of 100% pure evil will stay evil.  There’s a better likelihood, but each person makes their own choices.  However, when people start calling good evil and evil good, that choice bends towards evil.

      November 25, 2019 12:25 PM MST

  • 113301
    I disagree Shuhak. Here's why. Computer hardware is just the receptacle. It is the programming that brings it "to life". A computer programmed a certain way will always behave in one way unless there is a breakdown. Our wiring is the programming that drives us. So our "choices" are of necessity driven by our wiring. That's how I see it. There was a movie decades ago with Patty McCormack called "The Bad Seed" about a child who murdered I believe. There are children who will off the wings of butterflies and that escalates to torturing animals which might can could and sometimes does lead to torturing murdering human beings. I don't think there is a "choice" as we think of it. We can only ever perform based on our wiring and that is automatic. It is how we see the world and our place in it. Now of course education plays a part but it cannot change our wiring. OK. I'm waiting now for you to dispute what I said and give me particulars that I can understand. Thank you for your reply and I'm gonna ask a question about this very thing.
      November 26, 2019 2:27 AM MST

  • 10744
    Yes I would be quick to dispute that.  However.... you have a point.  I fully agree that we can only perform based on our wiring.  There are people who, it seems, are inclined to do evil.  You probably noticed this when you first went to school.  Some kids were just bullies while others were just "nice".  I believe that, while they are unique individuals, their homelife/rearing had a great deal to do with their "actions".  They weren't, as they aged, unable to stop being evil, rather they chose to continue on that path because it served them (got them attention or whatever).  They still had a choice (for however long they lived). 
    There are always exceptions to my premise.  People born with brain anomalies (down syndrome, etc.) or have their brain damaged (car wreck, sports accident, stroke, etc.) may lose their ability to choose. 
    I am no expert on the human brain, and will fully admit that I could be entirely wrong.
      November 26, 2019 9:42 AM MST

  • 113301
    They got their wiring BASED ON THE DNA OF THEIR PARENTS Shuhak. With or without parental intervention wouldn't they be the same rotten miserable evildoers without them? I don't know the answer to that question of course. Our choices are BASED ON OUR WIRING. You choose what seems appropriate to you what will benefit you what will work for you. You cannot do otherwise so I don't see how you can choose to be anything above and beyond your DNA limitations. So now what's next my friend? Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
      November 26, 2019 1:13 PM MST

  • 13277
    A lot of it has to do with genetics. We physically resemble and act like our parents, or the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
      November 25, 2019 12:54 PM MST

  • 46117
    Role models.  Our first.    They form our behaviors.  Chilling, if you have horrible parents.  
      November 25, 2019 12:59 PM MST