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Is there ANY Mugger on here who has not had a horrible fight with me? I have two major ones going as we speak. It's my life.


Yes. I am a tell-it-like-I-think personna.  I think we all need that kind of a voice on here.  I cross the line and get thrown off, so I am careful not to as a rule.  But, I am in total agreement with the TOS and the mods.  If I am a brat or worse, I need to get thrown


you need me on that wall....
AND WHEN I AM WRONG, LIKE HUMPTY I FALL and say OOPS!  We are all human and I am that very angry voice in your head that never gets to escape.  THAT MAKES PEOPLE IN DENIAL AND CRAZY.    So, I am fun.  GET MAD. GET SAD. LAUGH AND CRY THE DAY AWAY. I THINK I AM RAD

Posted - November 25, 2019


  • 46117
    You will really like me, I swear....
      November 25, 2019 10:21 AM MST

  • OK boomer
      November 25, 2019 10:28 AM MST

  • 46117
    If you and I were the same age and it was the 60's?  We would have been divorced in a decade, but we would never forget each other and that INTENSE RELATIONSHIP.  You were spared.  
      November 25, 2019 10:31 AM MST

  • If only that VW van could have talked.  Oh the likely stories it would have told.
      November 25, 2019 10:35 AM MST

  • 46117
    We liked the same drugs and the same music, who could ask for anything more? 
      November 25, 2019 10:46 AM MST

  • Toe curling?
      November 25, 2019 11:00 AM MST

  • 46117
    Oh yeah. We are talking a passionate relationship. If toes are not a curlin, you are with the wrong girlin.  Since I just made that word up, I am not sure how it is spelled. 

    It rhymes and you know what I mean.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 25, 2019 4:40 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 11:03 AM MST

  • 8281
    He who screams the loudest may get the most attention, but that doesn't mean what they are screaming about is worthy of consideration.  An intelligent exchange of ideas is what most people respond to.  Perhaps take a class on debate at your local college or another class that might help you learn how express your ideas in a way that other people will listen.   Put some education behind your words, they will have more of a positive effect. Just a thought. 

    This post was edited by Art Lover at November 25, 2019 10:06 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 11:42 AM MST

  • 46117
    Go Mrning Go. Go Morning Go!  This may explain why you are so confused.  You worship Trump and say that to ME?  Confused.

    Since you are copying me and screaming at me?  Your argument that screaming and typing it is MOOT.  You cannot do what you accuse me of and expect respect. I don't belong to the GOP.

    And what else are you confused about here, I am sure I can find some more.  Is that enough for you?

    People respond to me all day and night. I have almost 100,000 points on here.  How many responses do YOU have?   Obviously people read my very intelligent and interesting answers.  Including you or you would not be so heated in this exchange.  

    (I don't blame you for being mad.  It is hard to defend a Trump-lover; but I appreciate your reading me and answering me any time that you do.) This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 26, 2019 8:07 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 11:48 AM MST

  • 13277
    In other words, you're a SHARONNA PERSONNA!
      November 25, 2019 11:58 AM MST

  • 46117
    I am horrible.  i know.  But I cannot afford a shrink and this is next-best.  
      November 25, 2019 12:08 PM MST

  • 13277
    I once went to a shrink for 8-9 years. It helped me focus on some issues, but age and maturity have helped more. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at November 25, 2019 9:33 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 12:34 PM MST

  • 46117
    They mostly shrunk my wallet.   Rehab was my salvation.  In AA everyone is your shrink if you are honest and want to get sober.  I wanted to get sober.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 26, 2019 9:30 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 1:04 PM MST

  • 13277
    From your mouth to CW's ears.
      November 25, 2019 1:08 PM MST

  • 46117
    I pray for that demented weirdo.  
      November 25, 2019 3:45 PM MST

  • 44765
    You only went once in 8-9 years? Edit needed. This post was edited by Element 99 at November 25, 2019 9:23 PM MST
      November 25, 2019 1:58 PM MST

  • 13277
    No, I once went for 8-9 years. Not once IN 8-9 years. Read it again.
      November 25, 2019 2:02 PM MST

  • 44765
    I did. I was just being a smart-a**. I would have worded it differently, bu why pick nits?
      November 25, 2019 2:04 PM MST

  • 13277
    Better a nit than a zit when taking a sh*t!
      November 25, 2019 2:12 PM MST

  • 46117
    I would find that very satisfying.  
      November 25, 2019 3:46 PM MST

  • 44765
      November 25, 2019 6:18 PM MST

  • 14795
    Was you going through a bad Spell.....?!?!   . Like Rabdy D......someone must do on ear, I fink ,or it sometimes feels like I maybe...:( 
      November 25, 2019 9:36 PM MST

  • 44765
    You and I have quibbled periodically and I am sure we have pissed each other off...but I got over it. And here we are...still homies. Luv ya.
      November 25, 2019 2:01 PM MST

  • 46117
    We have never had a horrible fight. Nor Welby.  There are a few.  But not many.  It doesn't mean much.  I love them anyway.  Maybe more when we resolve the issue.  I'm dysfunctional.  You are not.  You are a stable genius.
      November 25, 2019 3:47 PM MST