Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» BLASPHEMING GOD by saying dementia don is HIS gift to us? HOW DARE THEY? WHAT IS A FIT PUNISHMENT FOR BLASPHEMERS?
Obama and TRUMP? That is like St. Peter and Hitler. That is like Mother Theresa and Ted Bundy. That is like Gandhi and Mussolini That is like Sai Baba and let's see... what can I say that can be the opposite of GOD? Oh yeah, TRUMP.
He used Adolph Hitler. Sure he did. He showed the world what people like TRUMP get to enjoy when they defy GOD That is how he answers you and TRUMP.
You Evangelicals will pray to ANYTHING if it supports your infantile idea of WHAT GOD IS AND WHAT GOD WILLS. Imagine God telling the world, "SURE TRUMP does not keep his word and TRUTH is WHAT I, GOD, STAND FOR ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE, but... I, GOD, will smite down all the good people who stand for mankind and righteousness, and I WILL SUPPORT A LYING SCUMBAG WHO WILL DO ANYTHING HIS STUPID BODY WANTS INCLUDING RAPE AND EVEN MURDER OF HIS ALLIES."
SURE. That is no GOD that I pray to. Nor is it ANY GOD that anyone but you Evangelicals pray to. God does not smile upon people that support EVIL doers. TRUMP is PURE EVIL.
That is the DEVIL. And that is what Evangelicals who support Trump are PRAYING TO. DO YOU REALIZE THIS? DO YOU? YOU ARE PRAYING TO SATAN. And SATAN always comes through. FOR GOD. That is how GOD uses conflicted criminals.
I HOPE YOU READ AND RE-READ THIS. But I know you won't even read it at all. You will just knee-jerk answer me.
My 2? Your attention to detail has been noticed by me. You are quite wonderful at detail. But, you don't see character traits at all. You cannot see them. That is your strength and your weakness. I have the opposite characteristic. I often ignore figures and charts and maps in favor of what I see. I see a woman I have studied. I thought she was lying. E. Jean Carroll. I studied her for hours and on different shows and she is NOT lying. I am not trying to fit her story into some narrative where I want Trump to be a rapist. She is not lying. I am right about this and I would seriously bet my life on it. I know this is not enough for you. Nothing will ever be enough. He raped that woman. He is a rapist and gets off on the thrill of being powerful and getting a charge out of not being caught. EVER.
That is why he is so horrible as a leader. He had ZERO business freeing that killer SEAL. He had no business at all interferring. He wanted to be more powerful than the military. He gets off on being a bully and will always pick a criminal to pardon. ALWAYS pics someone who has broken the law. And don't argue with me on this one. I know your stand and it is not true. I know this man was a killer and his entire group he worked with will state if you read anything against TRUMP, that he was dangerous and would shoot innocents at the drop of a hat. They even messed with his guns so they could slow him down. This man is a menace and TRUMP wants to thumb his nose and FIRE the man who is punishing this KILLER?
Oh GOD, woman, how far can you sink defending a rotten scumbag like TRUMP and this former (he doesn't deserve any title) SEAL.
Are we talking about Eddie Galleger now? He was not convicted of killing anyone in the military court. He took a picture with a dead terrorists body. That is the only thing he was convicted.
The fired Navy Sec Spencer was trying to create a sham trial over the trident were the ruling was already know from the start. He should have been fired for that.
Their punishment should be to spend Christmas morning with the kids in cages at the Mexican border. Then in the afternoon they watch a Trump opera show were he stands on stage for hours singing - me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Cheers!
Well even if that's true 2 wrongs don`t make a right. Trump has undone a lot of Obama era rules and laws so why doesn't he undo building cages for children. Cheers!
What would you have us do with them? The parents were arrested for breaking the law. We do not house children with adults. The options where house them temp at the border stations or release into the country. I do not think we should release into the country. We have since build more family facilities and gotten Mex help in allowing them to stay and apply their.
Should we ship them to Canada? I hear Canada has even more strict immigration laws than we do. (But we are trting to fix that)
I LOVE your idea Nanoose. It is another one of your brilliant off-the-cuff ideas. Where do you get them? No matter. Keep 'em coming please and thank you! Happy Tuesday m'dear! ! :)
If Trump is a gift from God why doesn't Trump follow the turn the other cheek rule. You can`t say one negative thing about Trump without him attacking you 10 fold. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at November 26, 2019 1:30 PM MST
yeah but because america ( including canada ) has became a perverse nation in some senses. Too much freedom here. We need someone that will stop the 'madness' of the citizens .
I guess these people don't read their bibles. The bible states that God doesn't give bad gifts. He does, however, allow us to make bad choices (free will). Despite what Mr. Perry and the rest of them may think, but trump's not a messiah. While God has the ability/authority to put anyone in "power" that He wishes, it doesn't necessarily man He does. Unless God specifically says that He did we cannot assume one way or another. God can use anyone He wishes (whether they're good or bad), but again it doesn't necessarily mean He does/did.
No one is not claiming Trump is the Messiah. That is Jesus (Yeshua) alone.
What Sec Perry said was what you just said... God uses people. Often imperfect people such as Trump. God uses us all if we will listen.
This post was edited by my2cents at November 26, 2019 3:55 PM MST
You don't know do you? So, why assert an opinion then? Rick Perry, GENIUS Politician and Religious Scholar said "He is the CHOSEN ONE".
Referring to GOD's CHOICE. HE SAID IT and all Evangelicals agree. Except Jimmy Carter. His brain is still intact.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 26, 2019 4:48 PM MST
Nobody actually said that. What Rick Perry said is that Obama and Trump were sent by God to be president. But hey, Rosie, why let facts get in the way of a good hyperbolic rant?