Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» There must be more than one supreme being we call GOD. The dementia dons who believe their god sent don to save them is one. Is he yours?
NO. There is only ONE. He has many forms. You are one of them. And there are levels of all sorts of discarnate beings that are helpers and there are those that are demons. We have a person controlled by a demon at the helm as we speak and a horde of the clueless following him right off that cliff. Zombie lemmings
According to the Bible, there are many "gods" but only one Supreme God, Supreme Being. Only one Almighty Creator God. Only one Supreme King and Ruler of the universe. However, there are some who believe that all humans are God in one form or another but that notion is not found anywhere in the Bible. Of course, if you don't believe the Bible to be the Word of God then you will just wing it and come up with your own god. The thing is though, thinking correctly about God is of utmost importance because a false idea about God is idolatry. So suggesting that there may be more than one Supreme Being we call God amounts to idolatry. I don't know any Christian that believes God sent President Trump to "save" them because they know Jesus Christ already accomplished that. :)
There are over 500 "bibles". Which one? Yours? How did you happen to luck out? Are you so wonderful and better than say, Donald Trump, who never picked up your bible in his life? He cannot even quote one passage. NOT ONE. I have videos. He was asked his favorite passage. He couldn't pick ANY. He knows Satan, not god.
All Rick Perry said is that he believes that God sent Obama and then Trump to be president. Why are you interposing all of this hyperbole about saving et al and getting all worked up into a lather?
I want you to tell me what page of THE BIBLE says that TRUMP is the one to save you and Israel. GIVE ME SHELTER FROM YOUR GOD. PLEASE. GOD HELP ME?????
My 2? Meet my God. You need to watch, because you need to see if you have to delete this for some reason.
My GOD? This is YOUR GOD too. Do not be afraid. There is nothing in God's message that would ever corrupt you or your idea of God unless it is to deny God. And to tell the world that TRUMP is God's message to reward the faithful, is totally abominable.
God would never back HITLER and GOD would NEVER back Trump. If you get your way? You will have hell reign down on us all, not GOD.
I no longer believe in any "god" or "goddess". No "all powerful" entity would require mortals to record their teachings, "interpret" their words, or spread their religion. If there is any such being, and they have a problem with my disbelief, they are welcome to personally talk with me.
And how would one know that any possible communication problem would be on the sender's end rather than the receiver's end.
This post was edited by tom jackson at November 27, 2019 8:13 PM MST
It's quite simple, Tom. Any all-powerful deity would have the power to appear before me, not just be some voice in my head, and actually talk to me and give me a reason why I should at least believe in them (if not worship them).
And if any deity wants me to depend on some writings by humans, as their "Word" ... then that deity needs to come tell me (again, face-to-face) WHICH scriptures.
I have no problem with you for that m'dear. NONE. I have relatives who are non-believers and we get along just fine. I am a product of my parents. Now my dad rarely ever went to church with us but my mom, little sister and I went to church on Sundays. At the age of 12 I taught Sunday School to little kids. Yes I was precocious. But somewhere along the way as I got older I became disappointed if not disgusted with churchgoers and even the pastors. Because I thought they were getting in the way and an unnecessary obstacle to my access to GOD. So I dumped them. But I do talk to GOD daily as I always have since I can remember. Now maybe it's really me I talk to but why does it matter? I ask questions. I make comments. HE is a sounding board that will not be upset by whatever I say. How do I know this? Because HE gave me this brain to use and this mouth and so I use them. Thank you for your honest reply Walt! :)