GOD gave us the minds/brains we have with a thirst to learn gain knowledge investigate research QUESTION. Then when we do we have committed a sin? What sense does that make? If knowledge is not a good thing why create homo saps who are constantly seeking it? Like setting a trap..a booby trap.
That would be purposely cruel. Why not make everyone incurious? That way we could all remain ignorant and innocent. Was the Tree of Knowledge a trap to see if we could murder our curiosity with our own hands? No matter how I play this in my head it makes no sense at all.
Why would I suggest it? Seriously?
Once again, and for the final time, if only to expose the logical fallacies under which you typically operate: You began as always, by asserting an unproven (and unprovable) presumption, then framed your question(s) under pretense of certainty of that presumption being in concordance with actual reality.
A Priori arguments.
Straw Man fallacies.
Arguments from Credulity.
The goal —consciously or otherwise—seems mostly to elicit affirmation of the initial, spurious presumption (some will call it Confirmation Bias); but not in favor of any new truth, and certainly not to explore views alien to your understanding.
Rosie, you consistently show little to no penchant to think or reason outside of your pre-conditioned little box, and THIS is exactly why I challenged you to do so.