Everything is random chance happenstance? Over billions of years starting from THE BIG BANG which in itself is hard to grasp somehow somewhere life began and started its onward march to us? The crowning achievement of human life which began as what?
Seriously how easy is that for you to accept? I think it's a lot more complicated.
Maybe there is no GOD and maybe that scientific theory will be blown out of the water one day. How I don't know but maybe our "reality" is staged for our benefit to see how we react. An experiment of highly advanced other beings whose beginnings are also hard to fathom.
Where does it end? How much can a brain accept as being sensible logical reasonable plausible possible? I dunno.
Complicated doesn’t equate to hard to accept, maybe only more difficult to understand. Understanding is the key.
Understand that defaulting the gaps in our knowledge to “Goddidit”, as the ancients did, is not an answer, only another enigma. Is it just easier to BELIEVE everything is the result of [divine] magic? Of course it is, but that is the quandary isn’t it? We are no closer to understanding how things occur by simply writing them off to magic. The fact that one must believe on bad evidence, or in the absence of evidence should raise a flag to an inquisitive mind.
The point to be made here is that our knowledge —what we really can know— is built on evidence.
At this moment the available evidence entirely favors the natural sciences: cosmology, biological evolution, anthropology and the expanding science of DNA. This is what we can show, and the data is vast and growing, well corroborated, and freely available. Even the Papacy has accepted tenets of biological evolution. Belief is not necessary when proof exists in such measure.
I only ever speak for myself. Me with my cursed education.
I changed nothing of what you said. That you cannot embrace the reply at whatever level is entirely on you. I articulated my reply very plainly.
As to your last question, how can anyone with a sound mind qualify ANY CLAIM in scripture as “..sensible, logical, reasonable, plausible, possible..” based on the evidence it provides ? “I dunno”, but I can guess.
Prof. Richard Dawkins has said, “ Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence”.
Belief is not really wanting to know what is true. And that is evident here.