Or way way way up high in the sky? Far away from the rest of us who have had our fill of their ilk.
Look at this way. They all threw away their honor reputations futures families legacies for servicing 4D. It's only right and proper to have them continue on servicing him forever or until they die...whichever comes first.
There is the Marianas Trench which I think goes deep into the deepest deeps...7 miles? I think it would be cheaper than to build one somewhere out there up there. But I don't know. We could get bids.
Now any loved ones who weren't guilty and criminal themselves would be unable to visit the corrupt criminals due to the situation location. They shouldda thought of that before they corrupted and criminalized their lives. Too soon old too late SCHMART.
Stay tuned. Be prepared. Stay Alert. Look aive! Keep the Faith. Where there's life there's hope. I can tell you that. Everyone says so.