What embarrasses me is the lack of respect the democrats have for Americans and this country. They are not just "the other side" any longer. They are the "violent other side," that is trying to undermine everything our country stands for.
Can't be Nancy P. She is praying for Donald. I know. It has to be Hilary. She's a Democrat, sort of. And she has the nerve to be angry at Trump for yelling lock her up and asking Russia to hack her emails. She is so embarrassing.
I bet you wrote that one down so you'd remember it. It was not worth writing down. I can come up with 10 times better comebacks off the top of my head. Sorry, not a good one. First of all, how pathetic that you would think I care. So, why bother telling me how much you don't care. When I don't care in the first place?
It got your attention though, didn't it? It made you go out of your way to explain, in-depth, to me how bad you thought it was and what you would have done. And to think, you went through all of that trouble to respond just because you didn't care in the first place. :)
Not really. Every person on my question gets my attention. When I see those wings and that blue sky, I know I am in for nonsense. I just put up with you because you are GREAT FODDER for my answers. Your comments to me allow for me to come back at you with BRILLIANCE you can only dream of. Sorry, to burst your bubble.
If you were not on here, I would never notice, but since you are, it got seconds of my attention.
I'm sorry you crave it so badly.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 9, 2019 9:21 AM MST
According to how you worded your response, it's not that you just put up with me, it's because you absolutely need to respond. Your ego won't allow you to do anything else. :)
You know I see what you mean. I like people who ignore kids in cages. I think that is so funny. I love a President that says we should put live poison snakes in the moat around the wall he is going to build. You know? I like that in a guy. And when the immigrants and their children try to get over the wall, the PRESIDENT WANTS TO SHOOT THEM IN THE LEGS.
Huge smiles!!! I'm off to work in the rain.... ICK and BURR... But, I had to stop by to say hi for my mental stability. Ahhhh. Now THAT is scary! I come here for mental balance??? What is the matter with me??? Hugs and loves, See ya later! :) :)