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Possible or im? Inventing a PAIN PILL that has no side effects whatsoever that can be taken as needed. Wouldja buy it?

Posted - December 7, 2019


  • 44752
    That's a no-brainer. Of course.
      December 7, 2019 8:57 AM MST

  • 46117
    It is called CBD oil.

    SPECIAL REPORT: Woman Paralyzed By Pain Discovers Breakthrough Relief Called 'Nature's Miracle Medicine'

    By James Kinsmen | Published Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Retired doctor who experienced nonstop agony discovers a novel treatment for chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, and muscle spasm. Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading...


    (SPECIAL REPORT) - Jamie Richardson from Dallas Texas just netted one of the biggest deals in Shark Tank history.

    All 5 investors on ABC's Shark Tank teamed up to buy 30% of Richardson's breakthrough "miracle pain relief" formula for a staggering $2.9 million dollars.

    Here's what it's all about...

    In 2016, Dr. Jamie Richardson sold over 1.9 million bottles of his family's secret pain relief formula, Cachet Pure CBD Oil, after a congressional bill legalized the sale of CBD products in all 50 states.

    Cachet Pure CBD Oil is made from Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. It is an ingredient in cannabis that relieves pain and fights inflammation along with a slew of other miraculous benefits.  

    Cachet Pure CBD Oil has been called "Nature's Oxycontin" because it quickly relieves even the most agonizing pain and reduces inflammation allowing the body to finally heal.



    Millions of Americans are already using Cachet Pure CBD Oil on a daily basis. Many say it works like magic. Some say it works better than prescription painkillers like Vicodin and Oxycontin.

    Here at Fox News, we received hundreds of emails about whether Cachet Pure CBD Oil is a legitimate alternative to potent painkillers, and if it carries any unwanted side effects. We wanted to find out...


    Is "Nature's Miracle Medicine" The Real Deal... Or Just Another Gimmick?




    The story of how Cachet Pure CBD Oil was created is fascinating. 

    Cachet Pure CBD Oil was discovered by 92-year-old Mary Richardson, Jamie's mother, and a retired doctor from Yuba City, California. 

    Mary had been battling horrible arthritis pain for years, which she was barely able to control.


    Enduring this mind-numbing pain was bad enough but what happened next was nothing short of a nightmare.

    Without warning...

    Mary suffered two major strokes in 67 days!

    Miraculously, Mary survived, but her arthritis raged hopelessly out of control as a result of the strokes.

    Doctors pumped her full of their strongest drugs, but her pain sprang to unbearable levels.

    Desperate for relief, Mary began looking for answers on her own.

    Twelve agonizing months later, she stumbled upon a surprising pain remedy used by ancient healers

    Mary was surprised the major ingredient turned out to be concentrated Cannabidiol extracted from the marijuana plant (CBD).

    Mary re-created the formula… and the results were instantaneous! She calls it her…


    Cachet Pure CBD Oil:  Miracle In A Bottle!

    Mary was astonished. This discovery changed her life- literally overnight.

    The formula seemed to melt away the pain -in her words - “just like it was never there.”

    At the urging of her son, Jamie, Mary began sharing her secret formula with other hurting folks.

    Unfortunately, Mary could never publicly give away her miracle formula. At the time, the US Government classified CBD as a schedule 1 drug, meaning Mary could face over 60 years in jail if she were ever caught. 

    Regardless, Mary would secretly ship bottles of her pain relief formula to those in need.

    Since then, Mary's formula has helped thousands of people find relief from arthritis... sore muscles... inflammation... swollen joints...and injury pain. 

    Luckily, Congress introduced a new federal bill in spring 2017 to reschedule marijuana and CBD as a schedule III substance, meaning CBD could be freely distributed for medical and research purposes!

    That's when Jamie, Mary's oldest son, took his mother's secret healing formula and improved it. Now, it's a widely used treatment for pain and inflammation as well as many other conditions.  

    What Jamie Richardson Did Next Started a Medical Breakthrough

    Jamie Richardson knew he could not sell his mother's miracle formula right away without further research. He needed to prove to the public that CBD was an effective solution for pain management with little side effects.

    So, Jamie applied for a research grant to run the first ever FDA approved clinical trial involving CBD. 

    With the help of Harvard researchers and medical doctors, Jamie led a clinical trial studying the effects of CBD on pain and inflammation. 


    The results were astonishing. Through their research, they discovered a multitude of other health benefits of CBD they never anticipated. Richardson's team ran additional follow-up studies that concluded CBD is nothing short of a real medical miracle.

    CBD has now been clinically proven to:

    • • Reduce pain by binding to CB1 receptors while reducing swelling
    • • Reduce social anxiety, cognitive impairment, and discomfort in patients diagnosed with Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
    • • Fight cancer spread by "turning off" genes involved in tumor development
    • • Combat neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's by removing plaque that block neuron-signaling
    • • Reduce cigarette addiction by modulating the rewarding the effects of nicotine
    • • Improve sleep quality and restore respiratory stability to those experiencing sleep Apnea
    • • Provide relief to those suffering from IBD (Chron's or Colitis) through its anti-inflammatory effects
    • • Help Prevent obesity Users report CBD helping reduce cravings and avoid over-eating, often leading to weight loss


    But research shows its benefits go much further than just that. For example, if you’d like improved sexual health… research shows that CBD may help with:

    • • erectile dysfunction,
    • • infertility,
    • • menstrual pains, and
    • • overall sexual performance


    If you want improved mental health… CBD is commonly used to treat physiological symptoms, it has also been deemed an effective treatment for:

    • • anxiety,
    • • depression,
    • • stress,
    • • ADHD/ADD, and
    • • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

    CBD also enhances concentration and focus… PLUS it can enhance and improve sleep.
    CBD has also been proven:

      • • To be highly beneficial in the treatment of seizures, neurological conditions such as MS and cerebral palsy, and anxiety disorders


      • • Studies have found that CBD can relieve nausea and vomiting, making it a great digestive aid


      • • It can help fight tumors and cancer cells because it’s a very powerful antioxidant


      • • CBD can help relieve anxiety and depression, calm and protect the nervous system


      • • It can promote relaxation and deep sleep, help reduce stress, help relieve insomnia


    • • CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory which helps reduce swelling and also can help reduce muscle and joint pain


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 7, 2019 1:14 PM MST
      December 7, 2019 9:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    Tried it. Doesn't work for me. I have problem with my neck from time to time. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply Sharon. Gonna ask why it didn't work for me.
      December 7, 2019 10:27 AM MST

  • 11399
    Our oldest son makes a CBD cream and it is pretty amassing stuff. Cheers and happy weekend!
      December 7, 2019 9:39 AM MST

  • 46117
    My tips are double what I make on NON CBD massages.  
      December 7, 2019 9:41 AM MST

  • 113301
    Tried CBD stuff topically and it doesn't work for me Nanoose. Oil cream whatevah! I have a problem with a bone in my neck that acts up on occasion...currently in the throes of it. No fun. None. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to ya! :)
      December 7, 2019 10:28 AM MST

  • 19937
    Unfortunately, medications that start out with few or no side effects sometimes wind up having dire side effects years down the road.  I suppose if I were in constant pain, I would try it, but it might be a last resort.  Happy Saturday. :)
      December 7, 2019 9:42 AM MST

  • 113301
    I tried the CBD topical stuff and it doesn't work for me. I have a bone in my neck that was fractured years ago when I was rear-ended and it acts up from time to time. This is one of those times. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Saturday. I wonder it works for some and not for others?
      December 7, 2019 10:30 AM MST

  • 35032
    Did they show you the neck stretches for it?  They do help alot. I broke my neck years ago. (also a car wreck) 
    I was given stretches to do after I was in another wreck (rear ended) by the physical therapist.
      December 7, 2019 2:27 PM MST

  • 19937
    I have a friend who has had trouble with her neck from the time she was 45.  She's been operated on two or three times now and gets minimal relief with each surgery.  Now, there's nothing more they can do for her and I wonder how she manages to live with that constant pain.  She has a prescription for Oxy, but uses it only when the pain is absolutely unbearable.  I don't know if she's tried CBD oil.
      December 7, 2019 2:59 PM MST

  • 44752
    Unfortunately, some of us don't have many 'years down the road'.
      December 7, 2019 1:16 PM MST

  • 19937
    Well, at 74, I'm closer to my expiration date than further away, but who knows what I would do if I were in so much pain.
      December 7, 2019 2:52 PM MST

  • 10795
    No.   I've been through enough therapy to relieve pain to learn that pain is there for a reason.   It's the body's way of saying, "Warning!  Something's wrong!".  Simply taking a pill only masks the warning (silences the warning bells), it doesn't fix it. Many times taking a pain pill is like turning off your blaring smoke detector because you can't stand the noise, but not putting out the fire.  I'm not saying one should never mask pain as sometimes the source is not "fixable" (ie. cancer).
      December 7, 2019 10:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    I have a bone in my neck that was fractured long ago when I was rear-ended in my 20's. As I get older it seems to be getting more painful. I tried the topical CBD stuff and it does nothing. It's so bad I have to "sleep" sitting up in a chair and it is still very painful. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Saturday! :)
      December 7, 2019 10:32 AM MST

  • 44752
    I told that to my doctor...he agreed. He was going to give me scrip for oxy and I said no.
      December 7, 2019 1:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    Isn't that what Rush Limbaugh got hooked on? It scares me. The most I would do would be take an aspirin or something enhanced with maybe codeine. BUT very sparingly. Right now it's been a week so tomorrow I'm gonna throw in the towel and call the doctor. Whenever it hit before it would be gone in a couple of days. This is getting worse not better so I dunno what's going on. It ain't pleasant. I can tell you that. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 8, 2019 3:37 AM MST