Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » America is known worldwide for the number of guns its citizens own and the high cost of prescription drugs. Infamous in fact. BAD right?

America is known worldwide for the number of guns its citizens own and the high cost of prescription drugs. Infamous in fact. BAD right?

If you plow through its cirrent sorry a** politics, its social inequities, its inhumane treatment of human beings, its reliance on lies and fake and hoary hairy he**acious corrupters criminals lawbreakers do you finally come down to a core of good?

Once upon a time.....?

Posted - December 9, 2019


  • 14795
    Bad and sad Rosie.....The English and our royalty fair no better and in many ways far worse.....We have rapped the world for centuries ,stolen so many countries and used smallpox and sexually transmitted diseases to wipe ot the indigenous people that have no immunity to them and die the most horrific deaths...
    We did it to the indiginous Indian tribes on the north west coast of Canada and wiped out 80% of men,women,childred and babies   ....infected white men were taken to their camps and they blew on every Indians faces ,they all died not long after....And yet they seem to dislike it when Hitler rose to power.....
    It was also the English that first introduced concentration camps to the world as well..
      December 9, 2019 4:57 AM MST

  • 113301
    People are no dam* good I guess D. Mostly. Pockets here and there dare to be different....kind...truthful...helpful...grateful. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
      December 9, 2019 5:46 AM MST

  • 14795
    I think the majority of people are decent folks Rosie ,but just to busy with their lives with trying to exist peacefully and raiseping their families....My parents were always kept  busy with six kids and even more so now with such an extended family to watch over.....
    My mum is the original Brood Hen ...and has no time any that are in politics for their own gain and their dire  need to feel self important ...
    She has never been spiteful or vendictive to anyone ,unless they need bringing down a peg or two...lol
      December 9, 2019 6:10 AM MST