Hillary received 3 million MORE popular votes than he did and he insisted it was because of voting irregularities and that really HE was the one with 3 million more.
President Barack Obama is beloved while the don of john is despised. To handle that the don of john keeps making stuff up about President Obama starting with the BIRTHER bullshit crap that the don of john said he had sent folks over to Honolulu to check it out and they found some very interesting information. We are still waiting donny boy. Oh wait. You admitted Barack Obama is an AMERICAN CITIZEN. How did that work for ya liar liar pants on fire?. That didn't work so he made up that Obama SPIED on him. That didn't work. So he made up a deep-state conspiracy that all those in gubment anti him were part of it. That hasn't worked because it is just another lie the desperate wackadoodle grabs at to prove he is a vic and the best and only the meanies are lying about him. Or something. Or another. Or both. Or neither.
Keeps bringing folks on he thinks will do his bidding and when they don't they're out because one thing you can be assured about. He cannot tolerate having anyone disagree with him. His fragile ego simply cannot handle it. He writhes in agony and squirms and squiggles until he can come up with something to attack with.