He lies about everything all the time. He tells the same lies he tells different lies he uses lies he has heard and forwards to spread them mostly usually he will embrace all tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory wackadoodle lies and insist his loving adoring admiring worshippers REPEAT them daily. Lies wonderful lies beautiful lies hallowed lies holy lies.
One day a library of lies will be dedicated to dingdongdemdon. The number and nature and welath of lies will be memorialized in stone forever after. But it will be like a sacred Mormon Temple. Outsiders will be allowed to entre but some rooms will be off limits and accessible only to the TRUE BELIEVERS. On those walls will be written in SCRIPT every lie he ever told and rooms will be waiting for new lies to be engraved thereon and only the most loyal and faithful of you will ever be allowed inside. A monument to the greatest LIAR who ever lived. So when he dies y'all go inside and comfort yourselves by reviewing all his lies. You spend hours there memorizing them refreshing your memory about them. "Here lies dementia dingdong dingbat lapdogpuppet RUSSKY lover. May he continue telling his lies wherever he is. "