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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any of you familiar with "the quality of mercy" in literature? Didja know donjohnLIAR changed the words?

Any of you familiar with "the quality of mercy" in literature? Didja know donjohnLIAR changed the words?

The original as found in the Merchant of Venice reads
"The quality of mercy is not strained.
It droppeth like the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath
It is twice blessed
It blesseth him that giveth and him that takes"

The new improved donjohnLIAR version

"The reward for lying is immeasurable and not debatable
It droppeth like the savage blood of prior targets
Upon the  donjohn LIAR "enemies" beneath (of whom there very many and growing daily)
It is twice dam*ed
It dam*eth him that giveth and dam*eth him that takes"

To be dam*ed is all donjohnLIAR ever wanted. It has given him access to and control of the world. He had no soul to bargain with but it matters not. There is always room for the dam*ed to survive thrive and proselytize. Or so it seems.

Posted - December 11, 2019
