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I am VERY SAD that so many American Citizens have turned against their Country Constitution and fellow Citizens. Didja ever envision THIS?

Posted - December 11, 2019


  • 2706
    Yes, I envisioned this. I could see it happening years ago. 

    In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.  (Thomas Jefferson)

      The design of the government under the Constitution was not haphazard.  Our Founding Fathers understood that governments can oppress people.  They knew it from their own experience—and they knew it from their extensive scrutiny of governmental forms throughout history.  Concentrated power was more than dangerous… it was life-threatening. Concentrated political power frightened the Founders.  They believed that only by limiting the government could liberty survive the natural tendency of man to dictate the habits of other men.

      The balanced separation of power with checks was designed to prevent tyranny. Yet what we see today is a concentrated effort by several of our politicians pushing for a larger government and with it more control over the people.  In short, they are turning against the people and the Constitution and everything it stands for. What's even more frightening is that many of the citizens want it to happen.
      December 11, 2019 1:07 PM MST

  • We were warned many times over by the founders themselves. I never could conceive in my own mind that the Democrat Party of my grandfather and my father would establish itself as the enemy of civil liberties, judicial due process and constitutional governance of this republic. They are without a doubt the most heinous threat to a free people that has confronted this nation. As "johnny come lately" presidential hopeful Bloomberg said this week, government has the right to take away your civil liberties (paraphrase). Got news for you Buster, government exists only by the consent of the governed. I think that before I'd run for president, I'd bone up on my political science, civics, and history with special emphasis on Thomas Jefferson.  So, I share your dismay Rosie, but I suspect it's for a very different reason.
      December 11, 2019 3:57 PM MST

  • 113301
    Whatever HG. It matters not. The divide is this. The demdon is ANTI AMERICAN to the core and all his followers are similarly ANTI AMERICAN. Millions of them follow him with joy and admiration and devotion. We the people, the RESISTANCE, see evil taking over our country. Is it complete yet? Will it ever be stopped or is it already an avalanche of huge proportion getting ever larger and accelerating? I don't know. I am grateful that my parents (I am first generation AMERICAN) are not alive to see what has happened to their adopted country. A country to which they fled to provide their families with a BETTER LIFE. You have every right to feel think believe as you do. So do I. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee.
      December 12, 2019 3:23 AM MST

  • 4624
    No, I never did.
    I used to think that Americans held their democracy and their constitution as virtually sacred.

    It seems that part of the problem is the Net.
    With the demise of newspapers, more people get their news online and via social sites. They go to the sites that reinforce their existing preferences and prejudices. This acts like a feedback loop which creates an increasing polarisation. The two sides become less tolerant and less willing to negotiate compromises.

    Plato once predicted that all democracies were destined to fall victim to corruption.
    I am beginning to fear he was right.
    I don't believe it is inevitable -
    but it seems remarkably difficult to prevent people from doing bad things in secret
    and it's probable that a proportion are never discovered and brought before the law.
      December 11, 2019 7:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your very eloquently stated and thoughtful reply bw. I appreciate it a lot. It's just that now my country is unrecognizable and it scares me a lot. As a first-generation American I am grateful that my parents are not here to witness the ugly transformation of the country they knew and loved into what it has become. I try to figure out WHY millions of people believe what they believe and become so vitriolically anti-American and pro-Russian or  pro Turkey or pro Saudi Arabia or pro Syria or pro anyone that donjohn tells them to like or dislike. Millions and millions of them. Where did they come from? Were they always so anti-American and secretly hoping for an anti-American president who would tarnish trash destroy everything we stood for? So we go day to day having to listen to the bilge and the lies and the anti-American sentiments coming from "fellow travelers" who masquerade an American citizens. Will it end with a whimper or bang? I'm gonna ask. Happy Thursday to you m'dear! :)
      December 12, 2019 2:26 AM MST