Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ever have a boss who set workers up against one another and then stayed back and watched what happened? If so how long did you stay?
I had ONE boss that did that, years ago. We figured out what he was doing, and began using micro-cassette recorders anytime he was around. After a couple months, we took the evidence to senior management ... who couldn't understand (previously) why employee moral was so low, and people were so "grumpy".
That manager was fired, and denied their severance package.
It was the right thing to do Walt whatever label you placed on it. It's a lot easier to ignore stuff and not get involved or even maybe join the evildoers and get your cut of it whatever the "it" is. I think maybe when we do stuff like that we really do it for ourselves cuz you always take a chance when you step out of your lane. Sometimes you get punished for it. But at least you can look at yourself in the mirror and not cringe. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Friday! :)