We are seeing the death throes of the UK. The SNP has swept Scotland, they'd rather leave the UK than the EU. The six counties of Northern Ireland are GONE - Ulster will NOT risk a closed border and a return to the Troubles, they'll invoke Good Friday and rejoin the Republic before that. The Kingdom isn't United anymore - Britain didn't vote for Brexit, England did and will face it alone, or possibly in a rump union with Wales.
I just heard about the vote in Scotland R. What about your fine country? Is that being shaken up and messed up and mixed up too? A worldwide plague is descending upon us politically? Thank you for your thoughtful and informative response. Time to despair wring our hands roll over or dig in? With what for what and why?
Centre and centre left governments can be elected in New Zealand, Canada, France, Sweden, Finland, Germany ... everywhere that Rupert Murdoch does NOT control the media. Too many sheeple in Australia, Britain and the US allow this neo-Nazi a$$hole to control their thinking and influence their vote.
Scary times R. I can't recall when I've been so shocked at how countries are being swallowed up by FASCISM RACISM despot dictators who are blatently extreme-right wing and taking over. Can you? Is there a centre point/heart/core that can be excised or has it metastasized and the inevitable cannot be stopped? How long has this been going on? I like Trudeau and Macron and Merkel. I never have thought that the person controlling the media shapes the politics. Sinclair broadcasting I think is one of the bad guys. I thought the media REFLECTED what was going on. Didn't it used to? But with the advent of the internet and all the phony baloney conspiracy theories and flat-out crap being embraced by sheeple it has swamped us overwhelmed us and is absorbing us into its ugliness. How do we STOP IT? Thank you for your informative and thoughtful reply. It's gonna get worse right? Happy Saturday. We're watching the Fed cup. Do you like golf at all? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 14, 2019 2:58 AM MST
In my opinion, neither Boris Johnson nor Jeremy Corbyn is a fit or proper person to be Prime Minister. On the basis of policies alone, I would say that the Conservatives are the better of two rotten alternatives (just). On the basis of leadership style and competence, not so much. So I do not feel very strongly about the result one way or the other.
One good thing that may come out of this, however, is that now the Conservatives have many more seats in the North of England than before, they may feel more inclined to do something for the North instead of treating us like an unwanted appendage as they have done in the past.
Well Rev I hope you get what you want. We in amurica are in no position to criticize anything or anyone anywhere for obvious reasons. As an outsider I would think belonging to the EU would be advantageous. Strength in numbers. Mutual benefits. You give up some autonomy for the greater good...theoretically...and in return you get some benefits that one country on its own all alone cannot get. But I know that is a VERY SIMPLISTIC view. Kinda like the United States. The IDEA of it is good. 50 states bound together for common goals rather than 50 individual states out there all alone on their own. But in practice as you can clearly see it ain't so hot in the current iteration of amurica. I'm anti Boris because he seems way too much like the amurican deadhead. FASTCIST RACIST EXTREME RIGHT WING POPULIST NATIONALIST ISOLATIONIST bullyboy. He won by a very large margin. The bad guys are winning everywhere. Why? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday m'dear! :)