Do not take away sugared beverages from little kids. Rotting teeth obesity and diabetes is their choice and the choice of their parents. Gubment should not interfer in any way.
BUT stop women from having access to family planning or women's health clinics and make it a sin to use birth control and make it virtually impossible by closing all family planning clinics. That's fine. They say using birth control is murdering babies that would be born otherwise. Yes. I am not joking. That is what passes for their what they call "thinking". God help us one and all
Nobody cares.
Few people even want to use the regular hospital, because it is so bad.
The ER doesn't staff above LPN ... they have to call in anyone above that.
And they pressure patients to take the LPN diagnosis - when they don't even take vitals.
And if you have little or no insurance - they will keep you waiting hours in the waiting room, regardless of your condition.
If you don't have a private doctor in this county - you ARE going to die if you have to use the "healthcare" system.
A real example of how bad the hospital is:
On Thanksgiving my friend's sister had NINE seizures, in front of an OHSU Neurosurgeon and Fire Dept Paramedic, before the ambulance arrived to take her to the hospital.
At the hospital, they took her to the waiting area for triage. NOT to an ER exam room.
The receptionist said someone would be with her "within the hour". (That means between 60 and 90 minutes, in reality.)
Thankfully, the Neurosurgeon showed his ID and demanded they admit her immediately.
The LPN on duty tried to convince the patient to admit she had just suffered from vertigo, and told the Neurosurgeon to "stop interrupting".
The Neurosurgeon had to call in staff from OHSU, and kick out the local hospital staff, to get adequate treatment for the patient.
Now - legally, the Neurosurgeon can lose his license and be sued for malpractice for practicing without privileges at that hospital. But if he had not stepped in, they would have delayed even the exam - putting the patient's life at risk. The LPN would have "browbeat" the patient to go home, and charted that the patient had suffered vertigo. The patient may well have died at home that day, and the hospital would have been clear - because the patient would have signed paperwork upon exit that they were seen and treated.
Because it is not a state-run/owned hospital, there is nothing the state can do.
Hospitals are certified by 1 of only 3 companies.
And you can bet they are on their best behavior when the auditors are present.