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Will human cloning put an end to the nature vs. nurture debate?


Posted - June 30, 2016


  • No. Twins are natural clones of each other. We have already studied clones.

    In my opinion the nature vs nature debate is all based on a false premise. It's debated by people who don't believe in free will. They think that all our behaviour must be programmed either genetically or by environment. To me it's obvious we are not just robots. We do have free will and a large amount of behaviour originates from the "soul" or whatever you wish to call it.

      June 30, 2016 2:05 AM MDT

  • 5354

    Probably not. Cloning does not create a full grown copy but a baby that need to be raised just as any other.

    It is also worth noting that:

    a) Cloning is just as 'error prone' as sexual reproduction. There are mutation possibilities in cloning too.

    b) A part of out genetic heritage come from the woman who carry the baby to term and give birth to it. We would have a hard time finding hundreds of host mothers with identical mitochondria to carry all those clones to term and give birth to them.

    To conclude; Clones are nowhere near as identical as the popular image would have us believe. Identical twins are closer, and even they differ a bit due to late mutations or retroviral effects.

    So the nature/nurture debate will have plenty of basis for continuing for a long time yet. 

      June 30, 2016 2:27 AM MDT

  • 44714 still have to nurture the clone.

      June 30, 2016 4:12 AM MDT

  • 22891

    not sure but in my family we kind of had a nature vs nurture debate one time yrs ago. my brother decided to put my family thru a john hopkins research study, im an identical twin and the study was about why my sister had schizophrenia while i didnt, i never did find out the results of the study cause of moving around i wasnt getting my mail forwarded from the resort but i felt like i was doing something important when i did that

      July 2, 2016 9:26 PM MDT