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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A world without consequences guilt shame. The "honor" system is dead and gone. It is not profitable. What profits YOU most? Why?

A world without consequences guilt shame. The "honor" system is dead and gone. It is not profitable. What profits YOU most? Why?

Posted - December 22, 2019


  • 14795
    Not for most people Rosie....The world could not exist as it is  if evil was more pre than good....It just that we all remember the bad things more easier than the good things that go on arounds us plus as we age we all get a bit more grumpy when we get old and have to rely on others to help us get through each day...
    Stop buying newspapers and watching the scripted newscasts on tv....Bad deeds and stories sell them and people seem to have no interests in the good things that happen daily in our lives....
    You are just being manipulated by all these hugs powerful  media  companies and advertisers desperate to sell their wares to unsuspecting trusting people that these other deem susceptible to their advertising guff...
      December 22, 2019 4:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    Good advice my friend. Easier said than done. It is difficult to turn down a brain that is actively curious about the whys and wherefores. I seek logic sense reason in all things and when I find it is absent I point it out. Does it do any good for anyone? It does good for me. I am wired to speak up stand up sound off. To quell that for any reason would be anti what is good for me. And so it goes. Age brings an admixture of fuzzy and clarity. Wait till you get here where I am now. Remember my words. I will be long gone. Thank you for your thoughtful reply D and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
      December 22, 2019 4:10 AM MST