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Any of you have tree roots that screwed up your plumbing? How safe is rock salt/copper sulfate to use to kill the roolts?

Posted - December 23, 2019


  • 16930
    Use a copper nail. CuSO4 leaches into the soil.
      December 23, 2019 2:50 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thanks for responding so quickly m'dear. We don't know how far down the roots go. Or exactly what roots they are. We have a palm tree in the front yard but it could be roots from neighbor trees. What is CuSO4? So where would we put the copper nails to get down deep enough? You mean just get some and poke them into the ground around the palm tree and the copper would leach down far enough to ground? Our landlord sez he will send us copper sulfate and a 20lb bag of rock salt. Jim is 84. I emailed the landlord that Jim has a bad back and is not going to be lifting 20 lb sacks of anything. I researched both rock salt and copper sulfate and both can be toxic so I don't know how to proceed. Pain in the a** fer sure. So what should we do? Oh landlord lives in Arizona. This post was edited by RosieG at December 23, 2019 3:11 AM MST
      December 23, 2019 3:09 AM MST

  • 16930
    You drive the nails into the protruding roots. They die. If none of it protrudes, get professional help - you will need the pipes dug up. In that case, you DON'T poison the roots, they could be anchoring a thousand-year-old sequoia.
      December 23, 2019 5:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    Sequoias are in northern California R. Majestic awesome. They don't grow in southern California. I think they grow above the snowline which is 5000 feet I believe. The roots are too deep down for us to reach methinks. But thanks for the info. Every little bit helps. I researched rock salt and copper sulfate and both can be harmful/toxic. Not the kinda stuff you wanna fool around with. :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 23, 2019 6:28 AM MST
      December 23, 2019 5:27 AM MST

  • 14795
    There is no antidote for copper surface poisoning Rosie if if only a tine bit is's a painful death as well...
    Think of something safer and less harmful to the enviroment if you can....
      December 23, 2019 4:28 AM MST

  • 113301
    Our landlord lives in Arizona. That is what he came up with as a solution. I immediately reserached both and saw they are both harmful and toxic. He probably never even bothered. If it needs to be used he dam* well better hire an expert to do it. We aren't gonna be guinea pigs just so he can save money. Anyway he will probably call Jim today and they can work it out. After I did the research I let Jim read the articles so he is informed about why I don't wanna mess with either one of those things. Thank you for your help sweetie. I'll let you know what happens.
      December 23, 2019 5:30 AM MST

  • 14795
    There was a young girl that grew copper sulphate crystals in a glass on her bedside table Rosie...she woke up in the night and drank some...she died ..
    .They use copper handle's in hospitals now on their doors ,it's kills all the germs on people's hands that touch them...
    They don't use copper pipes to supply drinking water in hospitals either...
    Lead pipes are toxic as are the plastic MDPE  pipes....I think only iron and stainless steel are safe for drinking water...
      December 23, 2019 5:43 AM MST