Restrict men and women equally. Provide them with the EXACT SAME opportunities. Require them to perform EXACTLY THE SAME and do not give men any preference for anything. Level the playing field. Even the hand. Unrig the game and unstack the deck. The whinya**men would hate it of course but oh well so what who cares? The REAL MEN would welcome it and support it and defend it.
I dunno. Whinya** anyones have never appealed to me. I get as impatient with women as I do with men. Change what you dislike if you can. If you can't well then find a way to live with it. If you keep doing nothing ever and keep whinya**ng your head off where does that get you? The whinya** impeached deadhead never stops WHINING KVETCHING COMPLAINING. NEVER. Whatta whinya** wimp. Sheesh.