It turned out to be more than 63 cars - close to 70 and 65 people were injured, some critically, but no deaths as of last night. What a mess that must have been. I remember coming home from my niece's college graduation in Virginia in a blinding snowstorm. My brother-in-law was driving and he refused to stop and spend the night at a motel until the weather cleared. You couldn't see two fee in front of you and I don't think we drove more then 20 miles per hour. It took us 5 hours to get from Virginia to Pennsylvania. White knuckle all the way - even those of us who weren't driving!
How is the weather in your neck of the woods L? Gonna do any traveling or just stay safely at home? We're supposed to have a few days of rain. All our relating a Stauffer's Lasagna and taking it easy cooking wise. There is no law that sez ya gotta serve turkey or ham or prime rib right? I haven't made lasagna in a few years. Stauffer's is pretty good as I recall. They made some individual size vegetable lasagna that is quite delicious. Jim is so easy whatever I fix he'll be fine with. I'll see where my appetite is today! Thank you for your reply sweetie! Glad you're out there. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 24, 2019 6:44 AM MST
The weather is sunny and mild - in the low 40s. No rain or snow for the next ten days according to the reports. I'll be heading down to PA this morning to spend Christmas there and will be back on Thursday.
Lasagna sounds great, especially if it's just the two of you. No need for a big mess and lots of cleanup.
I hope you and Jim have a very Merry Christmas. I'm glad you're out there, too. :)
No. But I know of one woman who might beat the world record for the number of accidents she's had that were not her fault - 52. In the worst one, her tiny car was sandwiched between a semi-trailer and a bus in heavy, multi-lane traffic. A traffic light changed. The bus slammed on its breaks. She slammed on hers. The truck behind was too close to stop in time. Her car was crumpled between the two like an accordion. Lucky to survive. She is permanently lame and in continuous pain due to the injuries.
How likely was it? She was a sales rep. - on the road most of her working day.
The problem is tailgating. Too many people don't allow enough space between themselves and the vehicle in front. One needs to allow one car length for every 10k's or 6.6.21371 miles per hour. When I'm on a highway, I find that as I open up to create the required space, cars from other lanes slip in front of me. They're weaving through the traffic to try to get ahead faster. So I'm continually having to adjust for their intrusions. It's madness.
This post was edited by inky at December 24, 2019 4:03 AM MST
WHAT? She was involved in 52 accidents none of which were her fault and though lame for life she lives? Whoa she was certainly born under an unlucky star. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply bw! :)