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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The impeached deadhead gets off on breaking rules. Allegedly he broke another very important one. Another impeachment article?

The impeached deadhead gets off on breaking rules. Allegedly he broke another very important one. Another impeachment article?

When Congress APPROVES funding for a specific purpose it must be used for that purpose in timely fashion. There are several exceptions. Strongarming to commit extortion is not among them.

So when the impeached deadhead ORDERED the withholding of monies already approved for aiding Ukraine it was AGAINST THAT LAW. Another thing the head of dead will have to answer for and perhaps it will be come ARTICLE 3 in the impeachment dramagy.

He is always on the go doing talking promising beseeching begging groveling importuning threatening. His schtick. He gets away with it because his adoring worshippers say GOD sent him to them to save them. SIGH. Well I dunno about that.

Posted - December 26, 2019


  • 35039
    The money was released before the end of the gov fiscal no law was broken. But that does not mean the Dem will not try and use it. They already are using articles with no law violated.
      December 26, 2019 5:26 PM MST

  • 1152
    Congress doesn't need to have a law broken to impeach. So sayeth no less an authority than Lindsey Graham, current Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee...

      December 26, 2019 6:09 PM MST

  • 35039
    I do not care what Graham says...sometimes he is right and most times he is not. He is not a GOP person I would want as my Senator. 
      December 26, 2019 6:53 PM MST

  • 1152
    I actually agree with you on this one.

    Graham has said that he won't vote to convict Trump regardless of what the evidence shows. He is wrong in that attitude.

    That attitude is shared, as best I can tell, by EVERY GOP Senator. So they are ALL wrong.

    And since they are all wrong, we need no longer listen to their idiotic hypocritical justifications for why they are behaving wrongly.

    I'm sure you agree...
      December 26, 2019 6:59 PM MST

  • 35039
    Unless there is else they have for evidence....I would know my vote as well. 
    Do you believe the Dem Sen running for Pres do not already know how they are voting? Or the 7 other Dem who have stated they are for removal?
      December 27, 2019 6:31 AM MST

  • 1152
    Well, that's the real trick isn't it?

    Turtle McConnell has declared there won't be any witnesses or presentation of evidence. In essence, the GOP is sticking its collective fingers in its ears and shouting "LA LA LA , I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" 

    You claim the Democrats don't have any evidence. HOW DO YOU KNOW?!  If they haven't had a chance to present it, you don't know what the evidence is.

    Maybe we should call some witnesses who were in the room when Trump called Zelensky (sp?). Maybe we should get the full transcript off the Super Secret Doubleplusungood Server and have it made public. Maybe the CNN producers who scheduled Zelensky(sp?) to appear on Fareed Zakaria's show should testify as to what Zelensky (sp?) was going to talk about. Maybe the OMB employees whose e-mails suggest they were trying to find a legal justification for withholding the Ukraine aid should testify as to what their thinking was.

    Who knows what we might actually learn if we...wait for it...actually held an impeachment trial instead of just regurgitating our ideologically-privileged talking points.
      December 27, 2019 7:27 AM MST

  • 35039
    They should have challenged and took it to court IF they thought it was still needed to make a case. They know there is NO chance. They just was to use it during the election.
      December 27, 2019 7:36 AM MST

  • 113301
    Which Senator(s) do you think are great then m2c because liddle lindsaygraham toady sycophant bellycrawling vermin is sure a pal of your great good leader the impeached deadhead. He a** kisses and sucks up and on and on and on. Just what the impeached deadhead DEMANDS of his vermin subordinates. You don't like him then the impeached deadhead will come for you! You gotta like all the suckups OR ELSE. You didn't know that? Oy vey. Condolences.
      December 27, 2019 1:51 AM MST

  • 35039
    I am sure you know which ones I like....if you think about it. 
    Cruz, Hawley, Blackburn, Paul, Scott... This post was edited by my2cents at December 27, 2019 7:36 AM MST
      December 27, 2019 6:39 AM MST

  • 113301
      December 27, 2019 1:48 AM MST

  • 11404
    The money wasn't released until after the whistle blower blew the whistle who knows how long it would of been held if that didn't happen. Cheers! 
      December 26, 2019 6:14 PM MST

  • 35039
    The law requires released before the fiscal year, if the Dems should have waited until Sept 

    Aid money is delayed all the time because someone in the chain wants to confirm something first. This post was edited by my2cents at December 27, 2019 6:40 AM MST
      December 26, 2019 7:13 PM MST

  • 113301
      December 27, 2019 1:48 AM MST

  • 113301
      December 27, 2019 1:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    AARRGGHH. GADZOOKS. GOOD GRIEF. HOLY TOMOLY. Thank you for your reply. Which talking point is that on your list of approved talking points m2c??
      December 27, 2019 1:47 AM MST

  • 35039
    I do not use or need talking points. I watch/read several news sources from both sides. 
      December 27, 2019 6:41 AM MST