I see the hand of SATAN/DEVIL in the fast rise to the top of the powerful heap of his spawn.
That any people of faith BELIEVE in him as being sent to them from GOD is blasphemous and the result of the hold EVIL has on people and how easily they are tricked into believing that all that cometh from SATAN DEVIL is a good.
There is no other explanation for it. The impeached deadhead does not come from God. It/he comes from "the other place" where rewarding the very worst in homo heads occurs each day.
A tragic play that is being acted out day after day after day after day. The irony? The those who profess to believe in GOD are the very ones supporting the evil. Encouraging it. Defending it. Supporting it. Promulgating it. Perpetrating it. Passing it forward.
The hand of the Devil is surely at work here. How do we break that awful spell and have people take off the blinders and see exactly what they are doing and who is in charge and what the purpose is for all of it?