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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are ALL elections of extreme right-wing FASCIST RACIST DESPOT DICTATORS RIGGED? What normal SANE person would WANT a gubment like that?

Are ALL elections of extreme right-wing FASCIST RACIST DESPOT DICTATORS RIGGED? What normal SANE person would WANT a gubment like that?

Metastasizing worldwide it spreads like the BLACK PLAGUE.

What is/was the trigger and why is there a massive RESISTANCE to it while others are lustfully demonically eagerly grateful for it? What's going on?

Posted - December 29, 2019


  • 17067
    Centre and centre-left governments have been elected in Germany, Finland, Japan, Canada, New Zealand - all places where Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation does NOT control a significant percentage of the media. In the US, the UK and Australia, the misinformed electorate is addicted to sucking the stinking pus from Murdoch's festering teats. While this putrefying sack of Nazism continues to own the hearts, minds and gonads of the voting public, all we can expect is more of the same. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at December 29, 2019 5:09 AM MST
      December 29, 2019 4:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) See why I value you so much? You do not pull punches. You attack the question I ask HEAD ON and respond HEAD ON. Boy wish I'd said it as you said it. Thank you for the information-filled and emphatically stated reply to my question R. Your last few words are very scary...."all we can expect is more of the same". May we have the strength to endure it until we can survive it overcome it and get beyond it! AMEN. Happy Sunday/Monday m'dear! :)
      December 29, 2019 5:12 AM MST