Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» An estimated 480 MILLION mammals, birds and reptiles have died in the Australian wildfires. Has there ever been devastation at this level?
Possibly yes. The fires in the Brazilian Amazon last year.
Yes, growing daily. And not just the fires.
This is the tipping point for global warming. The fires pour more CO2 into the atmosphere. The loss of trees means less CO2 absorbed and less oxygen exhaled. This accelerates the feedback cycle that heats everything.
I just keep watching what's happening and cannot believe it bw. I guess I didn't plug in to that. Was it as long and as widespread and as many critters ended up dead? What can you do when an enormous fire is heading straight for you but flee? "The fire next time" is here? Thank you for your informative reply. Condolences to all people and animals everywhere in the world who are suffering. The variety of things afflicting us is growing. We can't get a handle on it. It's too big for us. We can travel to the moon but we can't control fires on earth. That's hard for me to grapple with though I keep trying. :(
Even so, Rosie, thank you for caring about our plight over here. It is too big - and sadly this is only the beginning of what is to come. It's not armageddon. It's physics and nature reacting in the only way it can.
I do my friend. I worry about you and my other Aussie friend who lives in Adelaide and all the others I don't know. My very first meeting with Aussies was when I lived in Massachusetts My then husband and I had moved from California and spent 5 years then before we moved back here.. They were the most delightful gals..each was married and one lived in east Acton where I did and her sister lived in an upscale Massachusetts suburb. The younger sister .lived in the apartment building across the street and we met by walking our toddlers. She had a daughter and I have son. We immediately clicked. Her sister was awesome too and they had both visited southern California years before and they told me the weather where they lived in Australia was quite the same as in southern California. We just bonded on every level so I was predisposed to like/love Aussies. Getting back to now it is impossible for me to grasp fires that have been continuous since SEPTEMBER! How many millions of acres were consumed? How many poor defenseless animals will be killed? When the fires stop how long will it take to get everything back to "normal" or this the new normal with which we all have to live? Thank you for your reply. How many people live in the Amazon area of the fires? How much does the Amazon Rainforest have to do with world ecology stability? I read that the very large reef near your country is almost dead. Everything is dying at an accelerated pace and deniers insist it's a hoax. :(