Discussion » Questions » Business » Other than “it’s not cost-effective”, why don’t they put TWO armrests on adjoining seats in movie theaters and on airplanes? Grrrrrrr. ~

Other than “it’s not cost-effective”, why don’t they put TWO armrests on adjoining seats in movie theaters and on airplanes? Grrrrrrr. ~

Posted - January 4, 2020


  • 17641
    On planes, probably space.  I have been in many planes that have two armrests per seat though.  It's just in the new world where the consumer had fallen on the ladder of importance that we see such offensive changes.  There was a time when there was competition to be the best for the consumer, thus getting the sales and winning the revenue game.  Today it is more about the bottom line and the stock holders.  It's not good but I believe at some point it will again turn around.  I hope.
      January 4, 2020 1:15 PM MST

  • 8263

    Wow, that is the truth.  I really don't like making physical contact with anyone on the plane.  Breathing the same dirty air is bad enough.  With all the air outside seems like someone could open a window or two and let some clean smog free air in. 

      January 4, 2020 3:07 PM MST

  • 17641
    Yep.  The air on the plane is just recycled and gross.  I've read that tests show it is just horrible.  
      January 4, 2020 11:44 PM MST