Discussion»Questions»Sports» Any Muggers following the wild card playoff between The Tennessee Titans and The New England Patriots tonight? Twinkle likes football.
Titans won! I was rooting for Tennessee because yeah, they were the underdogs and having the Patriots winning championships is kind of like eating the same thing every single day but of course if it was my own team that kept winning I'd probably feel a lot different about it.
I remember when the Pats never won anything, but in the 80s, they managed to scrape their way into the Superbowl and had their collective butts handed to them By Chicago. Oh well. Time to sit down to a large feast of baked stuffed Crow
I'm actually not old enough to remember them not being in at least the conference championship. I was still in high school when they lost their last division playoff so I wasn't paying any attention to it back then.