Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» This is cherse folks! Kansas City is suing a gun manufacturer for ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING for supplying guns to KNOWN FELONS! PRISON FOR THEM?
Gun manufacturers do not sale direct to consumer. They sale to Federally registered and approved dealers. Those dealers then sale to the customers. If there are illegal sales, throw both the dealer and customer in prison.
The only way they can win is if they can prove the manufacturer is bypassing the dealer.
Actually ... both Rosie and my2cents are correct, in this instance.
The suit is not because the manufacturer sold to ex-felons. It is because the manufacturer sold to someone without the proper BATFE license - and that person sold to anybody, without the appropriate forms or background checks.
The manufacturer involved is Jimenez Arms, whom I never heard of prior to this morning when NPR talked about the case. Read The Story Here
The there should be criminal charges against both the manufacturer and the unlicensed seller not just a law suit.
I googled just the article I read did not specify that the seller was not licensed. It mentioned 3 different sellers but only that they should have know the purchases were not legit.
From what was reported on NPR, there are federal charges pending against the unlicensed seller. They didn't mention any federal charges against the manufacturer, but I don't know why the BATFE wouldn't do so.