Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Those who believe dumb don never lies also believe a god sent him to them to save them. You do know that SATAN IS A LIAR TRICKSTER DECEIVER?
Those who believe dumb don never lies also believe a god sent him to them to save them. You do know that SATAN IS A LIAR TRICKSTER DECEIVER?
The god who delivered dumb don to y'all could well be the "other guy" who lives in that very hot climate with hoofs and horns and diabolical plans for all of you. Impossible you say? Well we will see won't we?
Yesterday when Trump was about to address the Nation about the situation in Iran 2 doors were opened to reveal Trump standing in the door way basked in a incredibly bright light from behind him. I think Trump and his team set up a bunch of Halogen lights behind him to give the illusion that he is Heaven sent. Cheers!
AARRGGHH! I cahn't stend it Nanoose! He is by far the most dumb idiotic evildoer the world has ever seen and he is BELOVED by his adoring worshippers. Go figger! When he goes down he will take them with him! Thank you for your reply! :)