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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This question is inspired by an Answermug pal. Imagine never knowing what the price of anything you buy will be upfront?

This question is inspired by an Answermug pal. Imagine never knowing what the price of anything you buy will be upfront?

How rich do you have to be to never worry about the cost of something?

Now if it is something you pay for at the time like groceries or clothes when you find out the cost at the register you just don't buy it. You just walk away from it. But what if it's something like electricity or gas where you get billed for your usage but don't know what that cost will be? Or as the pal described going to a "charging" station for those cars that are electric and getting it charged up but not knowing what that cost is? Never knowing until you received the bill? For the wealthy it wouldn't matter I expect. But for most typical folks they need to know what they are obligating themselves too in advance don't they? Maybe that's to come. A crafty gubment forcing you to "buy" blind and then billing you whatever the he** they wanted to bill you. Whatcha gonna do?

Posted - January 12, 2020


  • 14795
    Rosie, the deception in the purchase price you pay on food items in stores is pretty scary....for instance when you buy brand named biscuits, one factory makes the biscuits for many different brands...when they finish a quota they change the packets and labelling and the same bisciuit is called a different name....different brands have different prices and the some product is sold at vastly different prices.....
    Every thing you buy is based on that...
    The most expensive brands of high street clothing is made using slave labour if far of places like China ,india ,Pakistan and God knows where else...
    Most all cost buttons to produce ,never mind what brand you buy....
    Most all advertisement and nothing more than a con and work on people's weaknesses...
      January 12, 2020 1:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    The more we learn the worse it gets sweetie. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. No getting around that. It's a big con game "out there" and guess who the conners scammers corrupt SOB's are? Anyone in power. Anyone in control. Anyone who sets the terms for anything. All gubments everywhere top to bottom. If you find anyone you can truly trust you are very lucky. Those who can take advantage of others will. People are expendable if you can use them for your own benefit. And so it goes. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Sunday to thee! :) As a Brit will you tell me did the British Press attack Meghan for being bi-racial? I called the British Press racist because that's what I read drove her out of England and got slammed for it. If the press did not attack her then why would the lie be out there? Just wondering. This post was edited by RosieG at January 12, 2020 5:47 AM MST
      January 12, 2020 2:09 AM MST

  • 14795
    I don't read the papers or take notice of our BBC news broadcast....They are all scripted and the BBC is very corrupt as are all media companies...who is there to make sure what is said is factual....More reporters like all in our so called legal profession are trained to manipulate every word people say...You can mean one thing and they de'light in twisting the spoken words to mean something totally different....
    Its  called manipulation and these high paid parasites de'light in doing it to anyone ..

    I think there is something seriously wrong with Hewitts son and the women Meghan it married....why people don't just forget them ,I just don't know.....there whole extended family sick I think...
      January 12, 2020 6:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    Meghan is an American D and so am I. Just as Princess Grace was an American. Of course I am interested in what goes on with my country's citizens when they move abroad into a different life. You may be unconcerned and bored with all of it which of course is your right.

    I support anyone striking out to live a life that suits her/him best. Not a life someone else dictates. Do you not admire that at all? How would you like living a life that someone dictated to you just because you were a princess or a duchess or married into royalty or whatever? For you it is old hat and not worth thinking about. Different strokes. Thanks for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at January 12, 2020 6:44 AM MST
      January 12, 2020 6:12 AM MST

  • 14795
    They can all  disensociate themselves away from it all Rosie if they so wished and lead a more normal life like we are all born to do...they want the best of both worlds and are old and ugly enough to choose ...
    Who in thier right mind would want a life like theirs....who in their right mind wants everyone one on this planet to know their business and more about their personal relationship with their partners....
    Do you openly barg or boast about things Rosie.....I think not...I just don't want to hear about what these people's of no interest to me where they go or what they eat..They are nobodies I wish to emulate in anyway shape or form.....if I did the things that they do, even today my parents would smack my arse...
    My parents don't tolerate stupidity even from their adult kids..
      January 12, 2020 6:58 AM MST

  • 14795
    My dad had a friebd that was a cameraman Rosie....he use to travel the world...he told us thing about Grace Kelly that would make your eyes bulge Rosie...people are not what they seem...:( 
      January 12, 2020 7:08 AM MST

  • 34689
    Welcome to the American healthcare system.
    You do not know the price until they send you the bill. 
      January 12, 2020 8:08 AM MST