How holy is it? Lots of places of worship of various faiths?
I wonder what city in America has the most places of worship?
Which state in America has the most places of worship?
Which country in the world has the most places of worship or middle-eastern town or European city or in China or Japan? How about Russia. Any religion going on therein?
Does a greater number of places to worship guarantee a greater number of goodlier people?
Thank you Rosie.
No, I wouldn't judge any city by number of places of worship.
I don't think very many would attend church for the sake of it, although there are plenty who would admit doing so only for weddings, Christenings and funerals. Last time I went to church was in 2018, when invited to attend the ordination of a friend as a deacon. She became promoted to priest last year (Anglican). Nothing by halves though - the service was in Newcastle Cathedral, some 400 miles from home, and about 7 hours by train!
After I'd posted the above I realised that if you regard ancient burial grounds as sacred - we don't know but it's a fairly safe assumption - my county is rich in Neolithic and Bronze Age burial-mounds. Some standing-stone circles too, though we cannot know what those were for.
The Romans liked it here as well, and they would no doubt have had their temples.