Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When you KNOW you can't win playing fair you CHEAT. That describes donjohn head to feet. He cheats to win. Mighty fine "man"?
That's how he built his "empire" (riches). Why would he change now? Everything he's ever done has been for himself and about himself. And all those who support this kind of behavior are as guilty as he is.
The big fat liar is a big fat cheater. Here's what I don't get. I thought CHEATERS NEVER WIN! What idiot thought that up? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
The proverb 'cheaters never win' simply means that those who gain an advantage at something by cheating will ultimately have to face the consequences of their actions. However, if there aren't any consequences, or the consequences are minor (slap on the wrist), cheaters CAN win. When a few people get away without having to "pay the piper", the more other people will want to cheat as well. Fewer and fewer people believe in (or care about) a 'day of reckoning' anymore. They simply say it doesn't exist and go on about their evil ways.
I think more people will cheat if they know they can get away with than won't. Sadly. Whatever they can get away with however illegal venal evil they will. We see evidence of that every day and it seems to be getting more "popular". Where it will end I have no idea but it disgusts the he** outta me Shuhak. Homo saps are their very core are so disappointing. Not ALL of them of course but many more of them than I ever thought. The millions who support dumb don for starters. Shocked is an understatement. Revolted is what I am all the time every day why what I read and hear from them. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)