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Discussion » Questions » Legal » If all parties involved in a deal/agreement/contract/partnership agree to dissolve it there is no problem is there? But if one party wants to pull out against the wishes of the others what happens?

If all parties involved in a deal/agreement/contract/partnership agree to dissolve it there is no problem is there? But if one party wants to pull out against the wishes of the others what happens?

Lawsuits up the yin yang? People sign contracts/agreements, make deals, engage in  partnerships for a reason. All sides expect the terms to be met/honored or they wouldn't agree to it in the first place. Right?

Posted - September 20, 2016


  • I think most people are sincere when they first enter into their agreements.
    Sometimes the causes of failure are already present from the start and take only time to come to fruition.
    But even with all thing right at the start, one or both people can change, or external conditions change and bring new stresses. We never know whether we will be able to rise to meet the challenges successfully or not.

    If only one wants out, it will inevitably fail because it cannot work unless both are equally committed - so the least painful option is to accept separation and do what it takes ot unwind the connection in the way that cause the least possible harm to all concerned.
    If one is violent or abusive, the best option is to do whatever it takes to safely leave.
    I doubt if there's any limit to the number of ways that agreements and relationships can fall apart.

    Legal "solutions" tend to be a point of last resort, and may not work if one or both feel vindictive. Sometimes they're the only option possible.

    Thankfully, I've never needed to go to court.

      September 20, 2016 5:12 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Trump is supposed extricate himself from all agreements with foreign countries and foreign companies  if he is elected prez and there are hundreds of them. How can he do that? How is it possible? It is a puzzling time these days for us in America hartfire. Some are so joyful and exuberant and happy. Others are not so much. I know you know I'm not among the "some" but am part of the "others". Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Tuesday!  :)

      September 20, 2016 7:29 AM MDT