Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I wonder how many sons and daughters choose the same profession to puruse as their mothers'Usually it's what dad does. What do YOU do?
My dad is a building contractor and my mum raised six kids and did a whole lot more for my father work wise and making the right decissions when he got to angry with people . I might be short ,but I can turn my hand to any trade ....It's not what I do now if I've a mind to....
What calls to you professionally D? What would you like to do to earn a living if you could do/be anything? A lawyer a doctor an educator? Thank you for your reply. You know here on TV there are gals who have CONSTRUCTION shows where they tear things down and rebuild or build from scratch. I am always impressed with their expertise and wonder what was the trigger that drew them to what used to be strictly a "guy" thing? :)
Someone like David Attenborough Rosie...He must have an amazing life and so many great and sad memories.....it would never happed as I don't like being away for to long from who I live with.. I love anything to do with construction...Domestic House wiring and plumbing are not to hard..I do like carpentry ,but the PU glue I use can stay on your hands for a week if you don't remove it before it drys,... With my dad ,brothers and grandfathers I got a good working knowledge of everything....
Gee D you'd be a NATURAL to have a program on TV. You could help folks transform their homes into something they loved not just tolerated. I'm not sure how it works exactly but I think if someone agrees to be televized during the repair works the show might do it for free! I think guys would tune in to just watch you. Nothing wrong with that. Some would watch to learn how but I think your best audience would be gals like you who like doing things for themselves who could watch how it's done. If you're not camera shy have you ever thought of going into a venture like that? I mean I sometimes watch them just because I'm amazed at how proficient they are at everything. And they seem to take such pleasure in transforming things. I think any time your job consists of making people's lives better it's got to be a special high. Anyway for what it's worth. It's like the women who watch Martha Stuart. She was good at doing lots of things around the house and she parlayed that into becoming very famous and very rich while doing what she likes to do anyway. What could be better than that? Thank you for your reply. Heck you could have some of your family as regulars on the show. I think it would be a hoot(great fun)! :)
I would never want that kind of notoriety Rosie where I can't go out and not be recognized...to me that would be hell ,there are so many cranks about in London to...When you are out with your family ,partner ,friends....who wants people comming up to you all the time... If I wanted another job....it would be something to do with saving the planet and enviroment... There are far to many greedy people in the world.... Im watching a tv program about new super yachts....one hundred and fifty million pounds plus....who in their right mind wants someting that looks so garish and over the top....it makes me feel sick just looking at them... I don't think I would even want to go one one to look around...
From past experiences Rosie, I'm going to generalize and say that I find anyone who work in the legal proffession the most evil parasites on this planets...they are proffional liars and only money is their God ... Our whole legal system is courupt.. I went to Crete once for six weeks ,may be eight years ago now......I phoned my solicitor everyday and never once did he phone back....the girl who answered the phone to me was looking was for words each time I called.. What ever advice he gave was wrong and I ended up doing myself when I got home... I could relate far more tales...but it would take to long and reopen old wounds...I'm not the only that's been charged thousands of pounds why they play ping pong with messages.... They are supposed to keep an electronic and written diary of all messages and times ,dates and work they have done...Strangly in my case some how they all went missing ....nothing was done about that either..
I don'know how it works in your country honey but here we have an organization called the ACLU. America Civil Liberties Union. Lawyers there are advocates for those who can't afford legal help and while I cannot guarantee they are all honest and honorable that is where I would want to work if I were a lawyer. Of course the RIGHT HATES the ACLU with a passion. They don't want anyone doing anything for anyone who can't afford it. I'm sorry you had to have anything to do with a bum on whom you depended for good advice. Bad luck I guess. I'm gonna ask a question that sort of relates to that. Thank you for your reply! :)
We have something called Legal Aid in England Rosie...if you have more than £75 a week disposable income though ,you can't get it unless your someone like Robert Maxwell twins milionaire sons it not a problem for them to get millions in free money to defend themselves.. A friend of mine didn't have just one.... I lost count of how many her actually had...there favorite trick was to take money and then advise him that his case has run out of time due entirly to them
My son is a chemist like his mother and he has a teaching degree like I do. He doesn't teach though. My daughter is a RN-practitioner...she went her own way.
My son has his MBA and runs his own consulting firm helping companies obtain and maintain government contracts. He started out in college in Engineering .. like his Dad. But that wasn't his "thang". He changed over to business and has shined. Thankfully, he did not follow in my footsteps .. he would NEVER have enjoyed being an Admin. Asst. He's his own man and we're so proud he found his own path. :)