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A Balance Sheet shows assets/liabilities/net worth. Are homo saps balance sheets at birth?

Each has specific assets liabilities and a potential net worth?

Ever see a balance sheet where the net worth is negative? More liabilities than assets so the company is always running in the red? I worked for a company like that very BRIEFLY.

Are some homo saps that way too from birth? The multitude of liabilities is never overcome so they spend their lives operating "in the red"? Gangsters thugs mugs murderers liars cheaters betrayers saboteurs politicians?

Posted - January 30, 2020


  • 10795
    No baby is born with a negative balance, and no baby has negative worth.  The sheet is tipped towards the negative (or positive) by their environment -  bad, lack of, or insufficient parenting; economic deficiency; race; geographical location, and so forth.  While some have "weaknesses" (metal or physical), it in no way alters their worth.
    Each person sees things differently, absorbs information differently, reacts to situations differently, and thinks differently.  This, coupled with environmental factors, shape the choices each person makes - from baby to adult and beyond.  Many times the choices of others has a huge impact on a person's "development".  A baby is born innocent.  They don't know how to lie, they learn this from what they see around them.  They don't know how to steal, or slander, or murder, or cheat... these are learned characteristics.  Sometimes they're learned by necessity, or even by accident.
    Everyone can change.  One doesn't have to be a liar, or a cheater, or a rapist, or a drunkard all their life.  If they want to stay like that it's their choice.  It may be hard to change... so hard that it almost seems impossible, but they CAN change. Changing may exact a high price (not just monetarily), but they can still change.  Change is a choice.  Most people don't want to put forth the effort to change (too much work), or they don't want to pay the price that may come with changing (may lose friends, money, power, position, do jail time, etc.), or they simply don't want to change (they're happy where they are).  It doesn't mean they can't.  
      January 30, 2020 10:30 AM MST

  • 113301
    How easy would it be for you to change whom you are Shuhak? Living the high life. Going to parties 24/7. Being among the hoity toity and LOVING it? I dunno. I couldn't do it. If Jim weren't so kind as to just let me be me we never would have have made it. I like being home. I'm not one to go out and socialize. He has NEVER made me feel bad or inadequate about that. He is very social but more in the nature of sports. He plays golf and tennis and has a best friend who does both with him. On Saturday he and Alan have lunch after golf. Alan is young enough to be his son but is a very good and dear person. I'm very happy he has that. He likes to putz around and do "guy" stuff like go to Harbor Freight or Lowe's or Costco.  Me? I'm good for maybe an hour then I get real bored real fast! Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 30, 2020 11:43 AM MST

  • 10795
    Oh, dear... I think I may have not used the right words.  I wasn't saying that one can change their personality (introvert, extrovert, perfectionist, thinker, nurturer, etc.), but rather how they use their personality.  Maybe an example would be a drug addict.  They can chose to stay addicted, or choose to quit.  Staying addicted is easy as they are already there.  Quitting, however, is extremely difficult, but feasible.  It also will come at a high price - pain (withdrawal), loss of certain friends (those who chose to cling to that lifestyle), learning to stay  'no' (very hard), and so forth.   I mean I'm not going to be able to change the fact that I'm a highly sensitive, introverted, perfectionist empath.  That's who I am.  However, its my choice on how I "use" those traits.  Whether I use them for self gratification, or to help others (meaning full spectrum).  Being a perfectionist is why I had the best store in the chain.  Being an empath allows me to understand a bit about what others are going through.  Being highly sensitive allowed me to help a friend avoid divorce 
    Lying isn't an "inborn trait".  Lying is something we learn how to do.  Then it becomes a choice (choose to lie or not to lie).  People lie to deceive.  The more one lies, the harder it becomes to stop.  Eventually it becomes a normal way of doing things (much like you-know-who).  Even though it may be extremely difficult to stop (change), it is still feasible.  

    I hope this helped to clarify my response.
      January 30, 2020 2:20 PM MST

  • 113301
    Yes it did clarify. We share many traits you and I/thee and me but I'm not now nor have I ever been a perfectionist. I believe I always try to do my best and then whatever happens happens. I never sweat it or worry about it or let it bother me. I'm imperfect. So what? Things are imperfect. So what? Jim is the perfectionist. He is never happy unless whatever it is works at its optimum possibility. Me? I manage adequately without any problem. Example is the shower head. Whatever we have is good enough for me. Since we've been here (12 years) he must have changed the shower head at least half  a dozen times. Not because they didn't work but because they didn't work the way he wanted them to work. I don't care how it works as long as I can get water from it with enough pressure to rinse the soap out of my hair which is quite long. Not important to me that it not live up to his expectation of perfection and I don't even notice a lot of things that bug him. That applies to quite a few things. Initially he will like something and then the bloom is off the rose and he doesn't like it. I wish he could be satisfied content OK but he is always looking for that perfect ideal whatever it is. That includes doctors. SIGH. It's just his way. Others might call him a fussbudget. Well he is my fussbudget and that's basically my only complaint. I wish he could be satisfied as I am. I always refer to him as having an ENGINEER brain. I think engineers have to be fussbudgets because  a structural engineer has lives in his hands so his design has got to be PERFECT. Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 31, 2020 1:50 AM MST