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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Looks(appearance) and fame can be burdensome. What about talent? Is that ever a burden to the person so blessed?

Looks(appearance) and fame can be burdensome. What about talent? Is that ever a burden to the person so blessed?

Posted - January 30, 2020


  • 14795
    To be talented can be such a burden Rosie if everyone wants you and expects yo to just drop everything and rush to help them...Most who are like that never put themselves out to help others I find....they turn a blind eye  or let it fall on deaf ears....
    I find you can sus them out quite easilly by the speech patten they choose when begging.....A typica start of line is " your must come and help me" 
      January 30, 2020 4:13 AM MST

  • 113301
    Do you get that a lot honey? I expect you would. Some folks reach out for help seldom and very respectfully. Others seem to think they are OWED being helped whenever they seek it which is all the time. I suspect it's like having a summer place where some obnoxious people just invite themselves over. Never understood people like that and even less people who would tolerate it. I think I told you about my beautiful friend who was a really smart gal who was sick and tired of people stopping at her looks as if there were nothing else there. Burdensome for her. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It's great to be thought of as dependable but very not great to be EXPECTED to always be there when called upon and taken for granted. Who likes that? That would get very irritating. Pushy people never know they are do they? Thank you for your thoughtful reply D. :)
      January 30, 2020 4:25 AM MST

  • 14795
    Within reason Rosie....I see nothing wrong in asking if you are in dire need of some help.. I don't like being taken for granted or expected to drop whatever I'm doing because they want someting trivile ,even more so if they are able bodied and just bone idle ..
    There are some that get really offended when they hear the word NO ....I think they make their mind up that you'll do what the ask without dare refusing...
      January 30, 2020 7:37 AM MST

  • 10795
    Yes, especially if others try to exploit that talent for their own personal gain. 
    We've seen it time and time again where parents, coaches, managers, (or whoever), take a talented person and exploit their 'gift' in order to make themselves rich.  Sometimes to the detriment of the talented person.  It can get to where the talented person wishes they never had their ability or they hide the ability (stop using it).
      January 30, 2020 9:56 AM MST