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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Will don defile dishonor disgrace himself tonight? Will anyone or anything escape his ire hate? Or will he be just GREAT during the SOTU?

Will don defile dishonor disgrace himself tonight? Will anyone or anything escape his ire hate? Or will he be just GREAT during the SOTU?

Will it be all about him the impeachement his enemies his great "victories" or will it be all about the STATE OF THE UNION told straight without pretzelizing manipulating lying? In your dreams! You ARE naive if you think that.

Posted - February 4, 2020


  • 2706
    I'm thinking we will know after the address is over. No sense in trying to critique something that hasn't happened yet. You know... The old cart before the horse scenario. :) 
      February 4, 2020 9:37 AM MST

  • 19937
    I have no idea what he is going to say or do, but I do know that I won't be watching whatever it is.  I have stored up several TV programs from last week to watch during the SOTU.  Unless Trump is planning to say that he's resigning, I have no interest in anything that comes out of his mouth.
      February 4, 2020 10:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    Us too L! We can read the highlights/lowlights about it later. At our leisure. Without having to listen to him!  Enjoy your programs. We have some we recorded so we'll kinda sorta be doing the same thing. Only the most devoted don peeps will hang on to every word as if it were the very first time they ever heard it. He will rehash his litany of whinya** victimization tragedies to the nation. Ear plugs or other interests or leaving the house and following the trash pickup folks as they make their rounds will be a lot more stimulating! Thank you for your reply L! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 4, 2020 2:12 PM MST
      February 4, 2020 12:02 PM MST

  • 19937
    I couldn't spend 45 minutes (or more - or less for that matter) listening to that moron.  
      February 4, 2020 2:13 PM MST

  • 11245
    I want to record it but I can't find it in my channels listings. I wanted to record it so I can count how may lies Trump tells and how may times he does that sniffing thing in between words.  Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at February 4, 2020 12:15 PM MST
      February 4, 2020 12:14 PM MST