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Honey Dew

Lets say for arguments sake god did really wright that wich i hightly dought but lest just say he did there still the small fact that he wrote that centeries ago so how can any one be certain he still thinks that way and wants that. After all time as they say changes every thing like do you say as adult still belive and think the same as you did when you was 16. Or if your 60 do you still think and feel the same as you did when you was in your 20's. So it be kind off srogant for a mear mortal to assum we know what a god is thinking don't you think

  • Keep talking Candice. No, I don't know what God's thinking. But then again, I don't know what you're thinking either - not quite, almost .  .  . but not quite.

    Posted September 22, 2016