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Hillary exposed

Hi everyone
If I sound a little ignorant about politics, its because that has never been a subject I am good at, but ever since the election , I took an interest in the new race between Hillary and the Republican party. 

I was set on not letting Hillary win the Presidency, and learned as much as I could about the Republican candidates. I chose Trump to be the most beneficial to our Country. I still feel that way. The more I watch him, the more I see how great it is that he, as a businessman, not a politician, was the best choice for president. I learned he had nothing to gain from being elected except trying to make America Great Again. He also impressed me with the fact that he was the only one I saw fit to replace the corruption and damage she would do if she was elected. The only agenda he had was to help our Country get back on its feet, and get rid of the corruption and distruction the United States was looking at is she was elected. She is working for the benefit of the Globalists, and I am against the whole idea of the Globalization of the world for many reasons.

Do you think, now that Hillary has been exposed for the Uranium scandal, and the other criminal acts she has committed, will open the american peoples minds about Trump? Do you think the non-supporters will see they were wrong about him in  many ways, an help our cause to stop globalization.? Like I said, Im here to learn, and I would appreciate some insight on this. I hope this situation with change some minds about Trump to the better. Id love some feedback that will enlighten me on the subject

Thanks you, A trump supporter, Carbonproduct ;))

  • I would like to believe it will matter.  But I think most antiTrump people will not listen and will dismiss it as part of what Clinton refers to as the "vast right wing conspiracy". It is actually old news...a guy wrote a book about it years ago. "CLINTON CASH" 
    I will be surprised if she is charged at all. But supposedly they are investigating.  There is always hope.
    Posted October 28, 2017
  • Trump is far far more popular than the establishment will admit. The opinion polls are fake. They over sample democrats deliberately. The system just tells us that he's unpopular to manipulate us. So yes, a lot of people have woken up and are going to wake up. We can win this. Though about 20% of the population are just die hard leftist trash and they are never ever going to change.

    I used to think that leftism was a disease of ignorance and that anyone who was informed would naturally come out of it. This is not true. Many leftists know that their ideas harm society. They know it wrecks the economy. They know they're immoral virtue signalling hypocrites. They don't care.

    I made the mistake of projecting my own desires onto others. I want prosperity so I assumed everyone else does. I assumed that if I could convince the far left their ideas don't lead to prosperity, they would wake up. It's not true, because they don't want prosperity. They want equality because they're full on envy. They would rather we were equally destitute than variably prosperous.
    Posted October 28, 2017
  • Im glad to think we can win this. If it were not for alternate news sources now available, it probably not be as easy to win this.  The globalists are in a panic because of the resistance , do you agree? I will try to spread the principals of keeping the corruption and ultimate demise of this country as I can. I really cant articulate as much as I can , (im still learning) because I believe we ARE winning, but could use more support in the attempt to stop the globalists move forward in their agenda to take over the world. (I probably said that wrong, but I think I have the jest of the danger of their attempts to control the world and the population.  Please correct me when I make mistakes on my observation and information. I really appreciate the input , I believe you are an excellent source to help me achieve this. I read all your comments in the questions asked on this site about Trump, and think your answers are always excellent and extremely informative. Thanks for having patients with my ignorance one the subject. I do however, get the jest of it, and agree with the resistances goal to keep america free and great.
    Thaks again
    Posted October 28, 2017
  • It's very touching that you respect my opinions so highly Carbonproduct, but I'm just trying to figure things out too. I'm just opinionated enough to sound confident, but to be honest I have little idea what is going to happen. I believe we'll win out in the end, though it may take a very long time.

    I have felt more optimistic that globalism can be defeated since Brexit and Trump's election. I definitely sense panic in the establishment. It's a time to celebrate but we mustn't get over confident. We're dealing with very very ruthless people.

    I doubt that Hillary will ever be brought to justice in anything but the court of public opinion. That b*tch has dirt on everyone corrupt in Washington. I think the establishment are increasingly seeing her as a liability. I think they might be the ones that bring her down, not us.
    Posted October 28, 2017
  • It doesnt sound like an opinion of yours, it really sounds like you know your stuff. I watch alternative news (Alex Jones) and though I dont agree with some of the things he says about subjects other than when it concerns Trump and the establishment/elite, but I do think he is on the right track, and is pulling a lot of people that were once in  the dark, and opening eyes to the truth and dangers of globalization. People in general, really had no outlet for the truth from the media, and  before alternate news became available, we were forced to listen to news run by some very dangerous globalists . (Elite)  Trump was definitely not part of there agenda  to take over world. (sounds dramatic, but I believe they certainly wanted to control it.  A while back, news used to concentrate on reporting, not opinions. I look forward to learning more, and listening to you for educating myself on the subject. A subject that is vital to winning this war. 
    THaks again for enlighten me further on the subject. I think you rock. 
    Posted October 28, 2017
  • I'm a big Alex Jones fan. Nobody is perfect, but Alex is a great guy. He has arguably done more than anyone else in breaking the mainstream media's back and created a fertile ground for others to follow. His audience dwarfs the mainstream media. It's Trump's base. I've been listening to him for 13 years. 

    I'm curious what you disagree with him on. Some of the things Alex Jones says may seem radical but from my research he's very accurate.

    I always liked this quote - "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." Marshall McLuhan

    Very often someone like Hillary gets brought down by relatively minor corruption, not all the high crimes they've committed. People take the small stuff seriously because they can imagine her doing it. The big stuff (like covertly funding and supplying ISIS to create a refugee crisis that will undermine national sovereignty through mass immigration), is actually easy to get away with because ordinary people can't imagine how anyone could be so evil.

    The very first time I listened to Alex Jones in 2004 I heard him talking about 9/11 being an inside job. My first reaction was to turn him off, but something stopped me. Deep down I knew that something was seriously seriously wrong and I wanted to hear him out. I've come to believe that Alex is not exaggerating about how serious the situation is. In my opinion, 9/11 was an inside job.

    Human life has always been cheap though we have some value to our rulers. We are an asset because our elite use us to compete economically and militarily with other elites. Though if a world government forms there will be no more competition between different factions and value of human life drops to zero. In fact they'd probably see us as having a negative value because we'd be consuming resources of the planet without being useful to them. 

    Our lives do depend on defeating globalism.

    Posted October 28, 2017
  • The only thing I disagree about that Alex Jones says is that Bone Broth (a nutritional replacement supplement powdered drink mix) and I quote..... taste great, tastes great, taste great, Tastes like  Ovaltine, but GOOD!!!  We bought some and it taste gross. LOL

    I think the other things he sells are quality products though, and I bought a T-Shirt from INFO WARS that says, LIVE FREE OR DIE , that I absolutely love. 

    My 27 year old son turned me on to INFO WARS and Alex Jones. I think his passion for this country and his quest to open peoples minds to the REAL NEWS is quite honorable. He is also really fun to watch. He is a character indeed. Like I said before, Im not very good at politics,  but also, never really felt quite comfortable with the main media. Especially CNN (never ever watch that) I think Fox News is starting to come around , but not as far as I would like. 

    If it were not for the internet, we probably would be in quite a pickle right now. If Hillary won, we certainly would be in FEMA camps as we speak . I am going to give it my best shot to try to veer others over to INFO WARS and other alternate real news media, like my son did me. We need all the people we can get for the resistance. 
    Posted November 7, 2017
  • I also believe 911 was an inside job, and that the Elite are continuing to initiate false flags in order to help satisfy there addenda. 
    Posted November 7, 2017
  • Not sure it's a "race" between Hillary Clinton and the Republican Party so much as an unhealthy obsession as discussed here -
    Posted November 6, 2017