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I Can't Believe What I Saw

I am no prude, but I was shocked at the question posed on a competing post by some person who used very descriptive and dirty words in referring to the people on answerMug and SimilarWorlds.

I know all the words, too, and what they mean, but is there any reason to use them on people you will never meet face-to-face or know personally?

If these kind of posts can't be banned entirely, there must be a way to keep this silly nonsense off the unsuspecting person's computer. I couldn't find a way to eliminate it.


  • What is the thread title? Is it on AdultMug or on the main board? 

    Posted July 6, 2016
  • I'm not too sure. I think it's on AdultMug, or most likely on the main board. I just happened across it looking for something else and object to being called a c-----------------r and a few other descriptive words. There was no way to delete it nor reply to it.


    Posted July 6, 2016
  • If it is on AdultMug, most topics will be about sex and the language is very explicit. If you object to those words, stay off of AdultMug. I know that I have inadvertently posted things on the main board that I shouldn't have. That's why I mostly stay on AdultMug. 

    Posted July 6, 2016
  • I know all about AdultMug and its setup. I don't go NEAR it. What I object to is the slam to all of us who have crossed over from EP and found other havens. I wish I had taken better notice of what I found purely by accident and reported it. If I come across it again, I will turn it into the Team Capitan and let her handle it.


    Posted July 6, 2016
  • Good choice.

    Posted July 6, 2016
  • You saw that here? The search here does not show any results at all for the term "c**ksucker," if that's what you meant. 

    Language like that isn't allowed in any of the main areas of the site, but certain private groups have more leeway. Those will show up in your activity feed if you're a member of one.

    Unfortunately, I can't follow up on this because I don't see anywhere it could have happened, but if you get a link later, let me know.

    Posted July 8, 2016
  • Yes, I did. I am mad at myself because I didn't pay too much attention when I saw it. Maybe it was a private group - I can't remember, but I have a mental note in the back of my mind that if I see it again, I will see if it has a link to it and let you know.

    I was trying to be polite, but the person who posted this spelled it out plainly. I literally stumbled across it when I was looking for something else, and  - well, it happened.


    Posted July 8, 2016
  • I am the moderator of the private group Eros. I just checked our membership list and you're not on it, so it wasn't on Eros.I have only seen a handful of that kind of name calling on AdultMug since I've been on here. However, as much time as I do spend on here, I haven't seen every single thread. JustAsking is the person you need to report this kind of stuff to, if it ever happens again. It looks like she's already dealt with the miscreant who was giving me a hard time, though. If she is aware of this kind of issue, she is good about taking care of it.

    Posted July 8, 2016
  • I think she's aware of it, but  not taking care of it because she needs a thread to follow it up - witness her answer to me. I am angry with myself for being careless about not reporting this immediately, but I was looking for something else and just happened to stumble across this terrible posting. I looked for a reply button, didn't see one, and went on to something else I was doing. I wasn't as cautious as I usually like to be.


    Posted July 10, 2016