2/20/18 UPDATE:
Due to the generosity of a single unknown donor, our goal has entirely been met. The new chat will be installed as soon as I can coordinate time with the dev.
Whoever you are... I don't even know what to say. "Thank you" is not enough. I'm going to open the floor to other Muggers in just a bit in the Q&A.
To anyone else who has been considering contributing to the site, any further financial assistance will go into the general pool for glitch fixes and minor projects for the time being. However, I'll likely post a new focus project in the near future.
Hi all,
I’m aware many of you are experiencing issues with our current chat system. It’s functional, but not without issues and functionality is greatly reduced when you’re on a mobile device. I’d like to fix it, but doing so is beyond my means. I’m looking at another out-of-the-box solution called ArrowChat. It has most, if not all, the same features our current one does, but I think it will work better for us. Between the one-time fee to ArrowChat and the cost to have the developer implement it for us to ensure integration is seamless, we’ll need to raise $350.
While donations are never expected, if you’re in a position to help and would like to, you’re welcomed to chip in via PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account to contribute- PayPal is just the payment gateway and can use funds in a PayPal account or card, and it lets us accept funds without ever getting any information that personally identifies you. In the past, I’ve actually gotten donations from members and had no clue at all which member even contributed… if the email address you use while contributing is not the one you use here, I won’t know you donated. However, I will keep a running list by member name of who contributed (If I can link you to your donation) here and will update a tracker on the home page to show how close we are to meeting our goal. Any donations that come in until we have a new chat will automatically be earmarked for the upgrade. If you wish to remain totally anonymous, but still want to donate, just shoot me an email and I’ll list yours as an anonymous donation.
You can also purchase credits to use here on the site, and any credit funds will go to the new chat as well. Credits, which can be used to purchase virtual gifts, start at 100 for $1.00, and can be purchased by clicking “credits” on the main menu.
Again, participation is totally voluntary, but I know some of you are chomping at the bit to get a better chat set up, and this is the only way it’s going to happen right now, so I wanted to open the floor to you guys and see if you can make it happen instead of waiting.